3.His best friends girl.

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"Fuck,what do I do? I just got a text from Sophie. She asked me how I got home." I panicked.

" Just tell her I let you stay over." Ryan said calmly.

"I can't do that!"

"Ok? Tell her you called an Uber."

"It's ok Sophie, I just called an Uber."

"Good. Again I'm so sorry."

Thank god she believed me.

"I hate lying to her." I said as I put my phone down.

"Then why are you?" His eyes wandered curiously on mine.

" Because I can't tell her I'm with you."

"Why not?" His entire face looked like a question.

"Because she likes you and she would just start asking questions I can't answer." He raised one eyebrow and came closer to me.

"What kind of questions?" I cleared my throat and looked at my arm pretending to check the time.

"Oh look at the time, it's late and we have to go to school tomorrow."

"Do we have to go?" He took out his bottom lip and gave me a begging look.

"You don't, but I am going." I said strictly.

"Goodnight then sweetheart."

"Goodnight Ryan." I walked to the guest room, took of my hoodie and got into bed.

To be honest he wasn't as bad as I thought. It was like he was a different person when it was just the two of us, and I really liked this new person I had discovered.

It was first now I noticed how comfy this bed was. I sat my alarm to 06:00 cause school start at 08:00 am. Then I put my phone away and fell asleep in a flash.


I woke up to someone knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Guess." I completely forgot I was at Ryan's house.

"Oh eh, come in." I said and sat up in the bed.

"Good morning sweetheart." He was fully dressed and looking fresh, which was weird considering he had a party yesterday.


I stretched my arms and the cover fell down. His stare slowly went down and I realized I wasn't wearing anything but a bra. I quickly pulled the cover back up again.

"Chill sweetheart. Nothing that I haven't seen before." He said with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself, Ryan." He laughed a little.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked while sitting down next to me.

"This bed is quite comfortable actually."

"Your always welcome to stay longer." I picked up my phone to check the time.

"My phone's dead, what time is it?" I asked and yawned.

"07:00 am."

My eyes shot open and I nearly jumped out of bed. I didn't care that he could see my bare stomach.

"I'm gonna be late for class! I have to eat and go home to get dressed and!" I started pulling the sweater I wore yesterday over my head.

"I got it all covered." I stopped and looked at him questionably.

"You can borrow some of my clothes. And I already made you breakfast."  He smiled.

"Are you sure that's okay with you? I could have gone home to change." He didn't hesitate to answer.

"I didn't want to wake you that early."

"You mean you didn't want to wake up that early." He rolled his eyes.

"Here." He passed me some gray sweatpants. "I'll wait in the kitchen for you."

"Ok, I'll be quick." He walked out of the room and I changed into the gray sweatpants. When I walked out he was waiting for me.

"Hey." He turned around and looked at me.

"Hey swee-." His ash gray eyes scanned my body once again. He dident say a word.

"Ryan?" I tried again.

"Has anyone told you that you look beautiful in the morning?" He asked seriously.

"I-." My cheeks heated.

"And why is it that you look better in my own clothes then I do?" He asked a shook his head.

"Ehm, you said you made breakfast?" I said awkwardly.

"Take a seat, I made pancakes." When I put the first bite of pancakes in my mouth my whole body jumped. It was like a million different tastes all at ones exploiting in my mouth.

"Fuck! These are good!" I was way too exited about this. Whatever...

"Why are you so surprised?"

"I don't know. You probably had a lot of practice from all the other girls you've made it for." I spoke without thinking.

"I learned it from my grandmother actually." It was first now I realized I was way to quick on judging him.

"Does she live in London too?" I asked. "She does." He smiled knowing I remembered what we talked about yesterday.

I took another bite and swallow. "But, why are you suddenly so nice to me, you've never even talked to me before."

"I couldn't go for my best friends girl." He said casually.

I frowned. "Oh, you mean Luke?"

He nodded. "But we broke up 5 months ago."

"I know. Before I never had the gut to talk to you cause I didn't t want to piss off Luke. But that day you ran into me I just couldn't stay away from you anymore." His gaze was set on me as he spoke.

"Why would Luke get mad if you talked to me, he moved on?"

"Oh, he never moved on from you, and I can understand why." He tried to hide his smirk back failed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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