29. My always.

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The next day after school Tyler came running up to me. "Hey, Tessa." He yelled causing me to turn.

"What's up?" I asked confused.

"Are you free today?" He asked as he stopped beside me catching his breath.

"Yeah, why?" Me and Tyler usually didn't hang out outside from when Sophie was there, so it was weird coming from him.

"I need help to buy a Christmas gift for Sophie. Since you're her best friend, would you mind helping me out a little?" He asked and stared at me hopefully.

"Sure, like right now?" He nodded and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah." He said and I followed him to his car. I got into his car and threw my backpack in the backseat.

"Do you have any idea on what to get her?" I asked as he started driving.

"I have no clue." He paused. "I know she likes makeup and stuff, but does she have any secret hobbies I don't know about?" He asked and took a turn towards the mall.

"She really likes drawing. She doesn't admit it, but she's actually quite good." I said to him.

Sophie had always liked to draw, and paint for that matter. She always created beautiful things, but she barely let anyone see them. I think she is scared that someone won't like it.

"And oh, she's not a big necklace person, but she loves earrings." She hated having stuff hanging around her neck, but earring she loved. I think she had four holes on one ear, and she loved to change a little on what she had in them.

The first store we went to was a jewelry shop. I helped him pick out a beautiful pare of earrings for Sophie. They had a golden chain hanging down behind the ear and a big pink jewel on the front.

I started looking around a little while he paid.

Ryan was letting me spend Christmas with him, so it wore weird if I didn't get him a gift. When he was so kind to me, that's the least I could do.

I found myself in the ring section, and one immediately caught my eye. It was a thick silver ring with something carved on it. I got closer to see what was written there. 'My always' was carved in the ring.

It made me think of him on an instant making me smile. When I was with him, he did feel like my always. Because wether I liked it or not he was always there when I needed him. I was thankful for that.

Without looking at the price I went up to the worker and paid for it.

"What did you get?" Tyler asked me.

"Just a Christmas present." He rose his eyebrows at me as we walked.

"At that store? It was fucking expensive there. These earrings cost 70 dollars!" I chuckled a laugh.

"The someone who's getting that present is lucky." He said and pushed me with his shoulder.

"Mhm." Was my only answer.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Tyler asked me.

"Sure." I answered and we walked to a nearby cafe.

"Look there's Carlos." He said pointing to Carlos who was sitting with a girl at the cafe. Nora I realized, the girl from Sophie's party.

Tyler approached them scaring Carlos from behind. "Hey you guys." Tyler said and sat down next to Carlos. I could see the girl got a little annoyed by him, she probably wanted him alone for a little.

"Mind if we join?" Tyler asked and Carlos looked back just now realizing I was there too.

"Not at all." He said and smiled at me.

I sat down beside Nora and she gave me a fake smile. "What we're you guys doing?" I asked her trying to be friendly.

"Just eating and chatting." She said shortly.

"So like a date?" Tyler asked to reassure we weren't interrupting them.

"No!" Carlos said quickly. I looked to my side and Nora had turned red. He didn't have to say it like that, it made her uncomfortable I could see.

"I'm gonna get some food." I said and got up from the table. I came back with two plats of salad with me. One for me and one for Tyler since the others already had food.

"Thanks." Tyler said and started digging in on the food.

"So why are you here?" Carlos asked to one of us.

I looked over at Tyler, but his mouth was full of food so I answered. "He needed help with a Christmas present for Sophie." I said and met Carlos's eyes. He was staring at me, and I could tell Nora didn't like it.

"What did you get?" Carlos asked Tyler waiting for him to swallow all his food.

"Some earrings, they were really pretty, but too expensive if you ask me." He let out a sight.

"Did you get anything Tessa?" Carlos asked curiously. I had food in my mouth so Tyler answered for me.

"She wouldn't show me." Tyler complained.

I swallowed my food and gave Tyler a glare. "It's not that I wouldn't show you, it's just a silly Christmas present." I said and looked down to my plate again.

Nora got up from her chair dramatically. "Im gonna get something to drink." She said and just stood there staring at Carlos. I think she wanted him to come with her, but he didn't move.

"Yeah, go ahead. " Carlos said at last, thinking she was waiting for him to approve. She hissed and stormed away from us. "What's up with her?" Tyler said when she was out of reach.

"I don't know. She was fine before you guys came." Carlos said as he looked at me.

"You guys are stupid. She's obviously into you." I nodded my head to Carlos and he just narrowed his eyes. "She doesn't like that I'm here, because I'm your ex." I explained so he could understand.

"Which is why we should go, or I should anyway." I said to them both. Carlos gripped my wrist as I was about to get up.

"No stay. It's been a while since I've seen you." He said with a smile planted on his lips.

"I don't want her to hate me, and besides you should shoot your shot before she changes her mind about you." I said and sat down again. He looked at me for a while and then over to Nora who was slowly walking over to us again.

"I don't like her." He leaned in closer and whispered to me. Before I knew it Nora had thrown her water all over me. I was soaking wet and staring up at her in confusion.

"What the hell!" Carlos said and rose from his seat. I got up too and had to check if she had gotten anything important wet. My phone was soaked, but still working. And my clothes was sucking to my body.

"Why'd you do that?" Carlos hissed at her. She just stood there staring at me. Her face was filled with anger.

"You lied to me!" She yelled back.

I started getting uncomfortable because of all the people staring at us. I hated making a sene in public.

"When did I lie?" I asked and grabbed all my stuff. I was ready to leave, right now. And so was she apparently, because she just grabbed her jacket and stormed off.

"Are you ok?" Carlos asked me.

"Yeah it's just water, I'll be fine." I reassured him.

"Come let's go." Tyler said and grabbed his bags.

"I'll take her home." Carlos demanded. Tyler nodded and we went our separated ways.

My best friends crushHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin