28. You like that?

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When he finally woke up it was late in the evening. All I had done was watch him. Not in a creepy way, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep.

He yawned and turned his head up to look at me. "Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." He said with a small smile on his face.

I brushed a hand through his hair. "No, no it's fine. You needed it." I reassured him.

"Well if it makes any difference, this was the best I've slept in a long time." He said and rubbed his eyes.

"Are you hungry? I'm hungry." I said and he sat up beside me. I felt a sort of emptiness as he left my touch. I wonder if he felt it too.

"I'm starving." He got up and walked over to my fridge. "You barely have any food here." He said with a serious look on his face.

I walked over to him and opened a drawer for him. "Well guess we'll just have to make do of what you have." He said and reached for some pasta.

"I'll cut some vegetables." I said and grabbed some lettuce from the fridge.

He started cooking the pasta and making a sauce to it. As I was cutting a cucumber I felt him standing behind me. I turned around slowly.

"Open your mouth." He demanded. I looked at him confused, but did as he said. He brought a spoon into my mouth which caught me by surprise. "Good?" He asked and pulled the spoon out.

I smiled and licked the rest of the sauce of my lips and nodded. I turned around again and purposely making my body brush against his.

He came closer to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I tried not to react so I continued cutting. "Don't do that." He said as he started placing kisses down my neck.

"Do what?" I asked innocently with a little hitch in my voice.

"You know very well what I'm talking about." He continued kissing down my neck and I felt the hairs in the back of my neck rise.

I swallowed hard and leaned my head slightly to the side giving him more access. "You like that?" He asked in between kisses.

The knife shivered in my hand as I tried to cut the vegetables. "Mhm." Was all that came out of me. A silent moan escaped my lips as he placed a kiss right below my ear.

I felt my face turn red of embarrassment and I tried to look down so he wouldn't see it. "I-I think you should c-check on the pasta." I stuttered.

"Oh it's done already, I'm just waiting for you." He said as he moved from one side of my neck to the other.

"Want some help cutting?" He asked and put his hand over mine. His body was pressed against mine and he guided my hand up and down as we were cutting.

When we were finally done cutting, he put the food onto our plates and we sat down at the dining table.

"Do you still want to come with me to London?" He asked me as we ate.

"Do you still want me to come?" I asked back.

"Yes." He said shortly. "Then I want to."

"When do we leave?" I asked him curiously.

"I was thinking Saturday. I checked the flights and there is one very early in the morning." He paused and smirked as he looked down to his plate. "So you might have to sleep over at my place. It'll be easier." He added.

My lips twitched into a smile. "Anything special I have to bring?" I asked as we made eye contact.

"Warm clothes. It's colder there." He said and finished his plate.

"I've never been in London before." I admitted and finished my plate as well.

"I grew up there, but it's been a while since I last visited." He smiled at the thought of home.

"Where will we stay?" I asked growing curios.

"At first I thought we were going to my grandmothers place, but my parents told me we would all spend Christmas at their place this year."

"And it's ok for them that I'm coming?" I asked. He paused long before answering.

"Well I haven't exactly mentioned it to them, but I'm sure they'll be happy I'm bringing a girl." He said and smiled.

He took both our plates and started cleaning up. I came up behind him as he was drying the plates with towel, and hugged him. "Thank you." I said with my face buried in his back.

He sat the plates down and turned around to face me. He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes glued to my body.

"God you are so beautiful." He said meeting my eyes. My hair was tied up in a messy bun and my clothes were baggy, so I really wasn't beautiful. Even if I didn't believe him myself, I still smiled.

His gaze shifted to my lips. He brushed his thump slightly over my bottom lip, and I could tell he wanted to kiss me.

I stood still waiting for him to make the first move, but he didn't. He just stood there longing for my lips.

He bit his bottom lip and turned around. "I should get going now, it's late." He told me and grabbed his jacket. I was so confused at his sudden change of mind, but I let him leave.

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