17. This trip doesn't last forever.

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I really didn't want to go swim now. It was so relaxing to just lay here in the sun. And not to mention his lap. So I knew what I had to do.

I smirked at him. "Well we could just go to my room instead?" I said and made small circles with my finger along his bare stomach. His abs flexed as I continued.

He clenched his jaw and said, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

I looked up at him with a innocent smile. "Although it's very tempting, this trip doesn't last forever. And we will have plenty of time for that when we get home."

My smirk dropped. "But-" He cut me off. "No but."

Sophie came down to the beach again with one water mattress under each arm. "Well looks like we only have two. I can be a good friend and let you have it." I said and smiled.

"So I'm just a friend now huh?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's what I thought. We will just share one." He suggested.

"No way! If I'm coming I will not be sharing." Sophie laughed and gave me one of the mattresses. She grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the water.

"Sophie, stop! It's so cold." I was shivering like hell.

"Just lay on the mattress then." The mattress wasn't that big. Tyler and Sophie barley fitted on it.

Tyler and Sophie started laughing and kissing, as always. They can't ever keep their hands off each other. Good for them that they are a cute match.

Ryan came up to the mattress I was laying on. "Need some company up there?"

"No thanks." The water reached Ryan up to his hips. Then he came even closer and started dragging the mattress and me further out.

Now the water reached his chest. "Stop here." I said and splashed some water on him to make him stop.

He took that as a challenge. Then he raised one eyebrow and came so close to my face that if I lifted my head just one bit our lips would touch.

"You think I'm some sort of slave?" I smirked.

"You aren't? Well that's awkward." I said knowing I would get the answer I wanted. He smirked and dragged me of the mattress.

"Ryan help! I can't reach down." I said while splashing water around me. And of course he fell for it.

With his eyes full of panic he grabbed my waist and held me close to him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think."

I smirked. "Don't you think I can swim?" He looked angrily at me.

I started laughing. "Haha, you think you're so smart." He said and rolled his eyes.

"Huh, I know I am."

I wrapped my legs around his waist and whispered into his ear. "You sure you don't want to go up to my room?"

"Everything we can do in your room we can do here." He said firmly.

"If you say so." I jumped onto the mattress again and patted on it. He got onto the mattress with me.

I laid down on my back waiting for him. He didn't come so I looked confused up at him. "You coming or?" He didn't answer. It looked like he was completely into his own thoughts.

"Ryan?" I said and waved my hand in front of his face.

He shook his head and looked at me. "Sorry what?"

"What's on your mind?" At first he didn't answer. I got up and sat there waiting for his reply.

"Nothing." He said shortly.

"Well I know there is something, so why not just tell me."

"I just suddenly got very hungry. Could you maybe help me with that?" A dirty joke to brush the real answer away. I knew he was lying to me, but at the same time I trust him. He would tell me if it was something important, right?

"Sorry too late. I changed my mind." I swam up to Tyler.

"Where did Sophie go?" I asked him.

"She got angry at me so she left." He said and looked down.

"Oh, I'll go check on her." Sophie usually don't get angry with people so I wonder what Tyler did.

I walked up to our room and saw Sophie sitting on the couch. "Hey. What happened?"

"Ehm, hi. Its nothing." She could tell I didn't believe her. "He just pissed me off a little."

"Well tomorrow is our last day here so you can't just stay in here forever." I said and sat down next to her.

"I know."

Suddenly I remembered something that would get her in a better mood. "I just remembered something. Later the whole class will be going to the beach together and like party or something."

"But, you don't like those sort of things Tess." She said with a sad look on her face.

"But you do." I said eagerly.

"Would you really do that for me?"

"Of course Soph!" She smiled at me.

Later that day Sophie and I started getting ready. "Tess, have you seen my blue bikini?"

"Yeah it's on the balcony."

"Thanks!" I wore a mint green bikini with a summer dress on top.

"Hurry up Soph, most of them have already arrived!" I yelled at her.

"Coming!" She walked to the door as I stopped her.


"Oh yes I forgot."I laughed a little.

When we got down to the beach they had already started playing music and dancing around. Sophie went straight to the bar. I was looking around, but i couldn't see Ryan or Tyler anywhere.

"Hey Tessa, is that you?" A stranger asked me.

"Hi?" I said with a confused look at the stranger in front of me. "How do you know my name?"A tall guy with black hair and tanned skin walked up to me.

"Not important."

When he came closer I noticed a big tattoo on his lower arm. He grabbed my hip and started leaning in for a kiss. I quickly smacked his hand off me and pushed him back. "What the hell are you doing!"

"I'm so sorry. It was a dare." He said laughing at the awkwardness.

"It's fine." I said and put my hand to my head because of my reaction.

"Let me make it up to you and buy you a drink?" He suggested.

"I have a boyfriend." Not really my boyfriend, but close enough.

"Oh, it doesn't have to be like that." He said reassuring me.

"Well in that case sure."

I can't lie he was attractive, but I have a boyfriend. Or sort of boyfriend, I don't know.

When we came to the bar Sophie was sitting there with some other people doing shots. She looked really drunk, which is weird since we came down here like ten minutes ago. He bought me a drink and we just sat there for a little while and talked.

"Where is your boyfriend now?" He asked.

"To be honest, I don't know." Sophie heard what we talked about and came over to us.

She stumbled her way over to us. "I'll leave you two alone. You know where to find me." He said while walking down to the beach again.

"Speaking about your boyfriend." Sophie began. "Did he tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?" I asked helping Sophie sit down on a chair.

She was so drunk she just randomly started giggling. "Tell me what Sophie?" I asked seriously.

"You know, the bet?"

"What bet, what are you talking about?" At first I just thought she was talking nonsense.

"The one where he had to date you?"

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