9. Nothing mattered but us

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"Hmm i don't know." I kinda wanted to look at him as a friend...

"Are you in love with him?" She asked hopefully. I knew she really wanted me to date again.

"I mean, I don't even know him. For all I know he could be a real asshole." And it was true, I really don't know him. He could be worse then an asshole.

"But why the hell didn't you give him your name? Then you would have gotten to know him."

"Ehm I don't know, but we're here." I said to change the subject.

Ok maybe I did know. Maybe, just maybe I wasn't sure if I wanted to know him. Maybe I didn't want to fall for him or him to fall for me. Maybe there was someone else I wanted... No. There's not.

We got inside Tyler's house and Tyler bumped into us. "Hey guys."

"Hi." We both answered.

"Sophie earlier today I saw you with that new boy. Do you know if he's coming?" He asked.

"Yeah he's coming." She said and smiled brightly.

"Ok cool thanks." He stood there for a few more seconds just looking at her. Cute.

"Soph! Did you see the way Tyler looked at you?" I said as soon as he left.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"He's totally into you!"

"Wait really?" She seemed so shocked.


After some time me and Sophie split up. I think she went talking to Tyler.

I was standing in the library looking at the books when I suddenly heard the door open behind me.

"Oh sorry this is not the bathroom." I turned.

"Huh pickup line boy." He came into the room.

"What are so you doing here all by yourself?" He asked and stepped up next to me.

"Nothing really." I said and stroke a hand over some books.

"So tell me who are you mystery girl?" He smiled.

"And why should I tell you that?"

"Well you told me you would tell me your name the next time we met." Yep, he's right.

"I did didn't I?" I said to myself. "Well it's Tessa."

"Well, Tessa. I think it would be better if I just called you mine. Easier to remember." He took a step closer and wisperd into my ear. "I'm Connor." Then he leaned in and was about to kiss me.

I opened my eyes but didn't move. "Sorry I can't." I said and held a hand to his chest to stop him.

We both quickly turned when we heard the door open. My eyes went wide open. "Ryan!" He turned around and stormed out of the house.

"Ryan wait!" I ran after him and had to push multiple people out of my way to get to him.

"Ryan for gods sake stop!" He stopped and turned around.

"What!?" His face was colder than ever.

"I can explain." I said hysterically.

"Well I dont need an explanation!" He hissed at me.

"It's not what it looked like!" I hissed back.

"Then what was is? Huh!?"

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. "Please do tell, I'm listening!" He said

"Wait why do you even care!?" I yelled stepping closer to him. "I'm allowed to do what ever I fucking want!"

"Nobody says your not!" He turned around with his hands on his head.

"Then why are you getting so worked up about this? It's not like we are dating or anything!" My blood was boiling at this point. He had no right to be mad at me for this.

"You don't understand anything! You are so fucking pathetic!" He continued walking around with his back turned to me.

"I'm the pathetic one, huh?! You can't even fucking look me in the eyes when you're saying shit about me!" I hissed. "If you ask me, that's what's pathetic here!"

I walked up behind him. "Look at me!" I started hitting my palms against his back to get him to turn, but he didn't. "LOOK AT ME!" I yelled hitting harder.

He turned around in a flash and grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. This time I didn't move or say stop, because this was what I really wanted, what I longed for. It was him.

The time stopped and in this very moment the only thing that mattered was us. I didn't have anything else on my mind but him and I knew he felt the same.

Many things should have went through my mind like, what would happened next, but no nothing mattered, just us and how deeply we both had wanted this for so long. How deeply we had wanted each other. And to feel our lips touch.

I pulled away and smiled. Not able to open my eyes just yet. "I think I understand now." My voice was hoarse.

"You think?" He said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah— I'm not totally sure so I think you might have to show me again." He smirked and gave me a little kiss again.

"Better now?" He asked and pecked my lips again.

"Much." I opened my eyes.

"Want to get out of here?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just have to go tell Sophie I'm leaving. I'll be quick."

I ran inside and found Sophie talking to Tyler. "Hey soph im leaving now." I said in a hurry.

"Oh ok, do you need a ride home or?" She asked probably hoping I'd say no.

"Nope it's fine."

"Ok see you tomorrow then." She said finally.

My best friends crushΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα