12.You knew?

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It was almost two weeks since the fight now. The class trip were in a few days and Ryan and I still hadn't talked. I wish it all could go back to the way it was before the fight.

I can still remember his smell. I miss him and I know I screwed up. And I am going to fix it. I will tell Sophie about me and Ryan.


It was the day before the trip and I was over at Sophie's place to help her pack. Tyler and Sophie was a couple now. I am so happy for her. She finally found her person.

"Tess do I need a swimsuit?" She asked.

"Uh—obviously we are going to a hotel."

"Yeah well, I'm not the one planning the trip." She picked up her phone.

"I just got a text from Tyler. He asked if we wanted to go to the movies with him and Ryan. Want to?"

This was my chance to try and talk to Ryan. To tell him that I was gonna tell Sophie. "Yes!"

"Sounds like someone is excited." She said and frowned.

"Oh uh it's a long time since I have been to the movies."

We arrived to the movies, but I didn't see Ryan. "Hey babe. Hey Tessa." Tyler said and gave Sophie a little greeting kiss.

"Hey, where is Ryan?" I asked trying not to sound weird.

"He's coming, but he said he might be a little late." I nodded and we went inside.

We got our seats. I sat next to Sophie. After a few minutes Ryan came in. My heart started beating really fast when my eyes landed on him.

"Hey dude. Is it cool if you sit next to Tessa?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah sure." He sat down next to me without saying a word. I looked at him.

"H-hey." All I got back was a quick hi. He didn't even look at me.

"H-how've you been?" I stuttered.

"Good." Again he didn't look at me.

"So what- ." He cut me off.

"Can you just stop talking. You're not supposed to talk in a theater." I smiled at his comment. I have missed his little comments.

"Finally, your looking at me." He didn't say anything he just kept staring at me. It was like it had been many years since he last had seen me. He just kept staring and staring and so did I.

He frowned and suddenly got up. "Hey I've got to go. Something came up." Ryan said to Tyler.

"Oh ok, see ya tomorrow then." Ryan left. I realized that it was over. He didn't care anymore.
For a second there I thought maybe there was a little hope. But no he just left. He was done. He had moved on.

And I hadn't. I still wanted him. I still wanted to believe in us. I still wanted to believe there was a happy ending for us. But now I'm not so sure there is. However I'm still gonna tell Sophie the truth. Not for him, not for her, but for me.

Later that day I went over to Sophie's place again and I was gonna tell her now. "So Sophie there is something I have to tell you." I started.

"Ok what is it?" She sat down on the bed listening.

"Ok so I know I should have told you a long time ago, but I was so scared how you would react. I still am."

"Ok now you're scaring me." She said seriously.

"Uhm so me and Ryan have kinda had this thing going on. Please don't hate me?" I asked pleading.

She laughed a little. "Finally your telling me." She said at last.

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