21. You kept it?

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A while into the drive I suddenly got very tired. My eyes closed several times, but jumped open again when we drove over a bump on the road. I leaned my head on Carlos's shoulder and fell asleep.

When I jumped awake in the next bump my head was tilted the other way, but I didn't think about it so I just leaned onto the same shoulder again. After a little while I woke up by carlos kicking my foot. It was then I noticed I had been sleeping on Ryan's shoulder!

My eyes widened. I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes. Ryan smirked and looked away.

"We're here!" Sophie cheered. We grabbed our stuff and went inside.

It was a big cabin. It had large windows in the front pointing down to a lake. Sophie showed me and Carlos to a bedroom. "I assume it's fine you two share a bed?" We looked at each other.

"Of course." Carlos answered.

The bedroom also had large windows, but on the side. The windows pointed out to the forest. I put my bag down and went exploring the place.

There were two living rooms. One near my room and the biggest one all the way on the other side of the cabin. I liked the smallest the best, because it had a beautiful fire place next to it. There were also two bathrooms and one kitchen. I saw a latter in a tiny corridor. It lead upwards. I really wanted to see what it lead to, but I didn't.

After dinner the others decided to go swimming, I didn't. I told them I was tired and just wanted to relax. I felt tired and cold. After they left i laid down at the couch next to the kitchen with a blanket around me. I fell asleep fast.

After a little my eyes opened. Ryan was sitting in a chair on the other side of the table watching me. "It's a little creepy to watch someone sleep don't you think?" He smiled.

"You kept it." He stated now smiling.

"Huh?" I looked confused at him.

"You're wearing my hoodie." I didn't know what to say.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." He pushed.

"I'm not." His smile went wider. "I'm not!" I hissed again.

"If you say so." I could tell he didn't believe me by the way he smiled to himself.

I could tell he was tired too. He looked so cute when- NO! I stopped that thought. "Thinking about me?" My eyes went wide. Did he just read my thoughts! "Wha-," He started laughing at my response. "Hey stop messing with me! Im tired."

"Your not the only one."

For a long moment we just stared at each other. My eyes never left his. It was almost like a staring contest. Like we had a whole conversation without words.

"Tell me Tessa. Why aren't you worried about me telling your boyfriend about our kiss? Or should I say kisses." I rolled my eyes.

"Were you gonna tell him?" I asked.


"Exactly." I said and yawned.

"But I could." He said and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"He wouldn't believe you."

He stared at me again. It was like he was trying to figure me out. It made him frustrated, because he couldn't.

Why did he have to look at me with such a, such a. Beautiful face. His sharp bone structure. His cloud gray eyes that I got lost in. His soft lips. His fluffy brown hair. The hair I used to run my fingers through. Ugh his lips. I couldn't stop thinking about how they felt on mine. It felt like thousands fireworks light up the sky when I was kissing him. Like the whole world just disappeared around us.

"We're back!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. Carlos jumped onto the couch with me.

"Your boyfriend is crazy!" Sophie began. "He just jumped right into the freezing water. Like, he didn't even check if the water was cold or not!" I let out a little fake laugh.

Carlos got under the blanket with me. "Hey you're freezing!"

"Then warm me up." Carlos flirted. Ryan had an annoyed look on his face.

"Hey guys we should play a game!" Sophie said.

"What game?" Carlos asked.

"Don't you have a ouija board here Tyler?"

"Yeah it's my sisters. I'll go get it."

He got back and everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor. "Ok everyone put their finger on this thing." Tyler explained.

"Who wants to ask the first question?" Sophie asked.

No one answered. "Ok then I'll go first." Sophie closed her eyes to concentrate. "Will me and Tyler last?"

It started moving. YES. "I knew it!" Sophie cheered. Tyler kissed her and then put his finger back onto the board.

"Your turn." Sophie said and nodded her head to Carlos.

"Ok." He paused thinking of what to ask. "Are me and Tessa a good match?" I couldn't risk it going to no, so I moved it to yes without anyone noticing. Carlos smirked to me.

Sophie and Tyler laughed. "You guys don't actually believe this? Its obviously someone moving it." Ryan accused.

"Then you try it." He thought for a second.

"Do you have to say the question out loud?" Ryan asked.

"I don't think so." He closed his eyes and it started moving to yes.

He looked at me and quickly looked away with a smile on his face. "What was your question?" Tyler asked.

"If I wanted you to know I would have said it already." Ryan pointed out.

"Not cool dude."

"Well I'm going to bed now." Ryan smiled and got up.

"I thought you didn't believe in this!" I yelled after him.

"I do now." He yelled back.

"Wanna go to bed too?" Tyler asked Sophie. "Yeah I'm pretty tired. Goodnight guys."


Me and Carlos got to the bedroom. I took off my pants, but keeps on the hoodie because I was still cold. "So is it ok for you that we sleep in the same bed?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah sure." I said with a small smile.

"Ok good because I really didn't want to sleep on the floor."

He took off his shirt and pants and got into bed with me.

"Are you gonna sleep In the hoodie?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm really cold."

"Ok Goodnight Tess."

"Goodnight." I said and turned off the light.

My best friends crushजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें