34. He kissed you?

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After a while his mother came into the room with a blanket and a pillow in her hands.

"Are you guys hungry?" Celia asked as she put the bedding down on the couch.

"Not really, you?" He looked over at me as he still laid on the couch. I shook my head in response. "I'm just really tired." I said.

"I'll let you two rest a little, but come say hi to your brother soon, ok?" Celia said and walked to the door.

"Yeah, yeah." Ryan answered and she shut the door.

"What do you want to do?" He asked and crept closer to me. "Sleep." I said and yawned.

"Ughhh, I don't." Now he laid right next to me and looked up at me with puppy eyes.

"Too bad." I tried so hard to hold back a smile as I turned around. I knew what he wanted, but I wasn't going to give it to him that easy.

I laid down on the couch with my body turned away from his. "I know what we can do." He said and slid a hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Sleep?" I asked hopefully and shut my eyes. He started kissing my neck lazily. "We'll do some of this first." He said and flipped me over to face him.

He started kissing me and I opened my mouth to invite him in. His tongue collided with mine and they danced together slowly.

I couldn't help but wonder if he was scared that someone would walk in. I know I was. His family probably wouldn't like it very much if they walked in on us making out.

He sat up on the couch slowly dragging me with him. As he sat up fully he grabbed my waist and sat me onto his lap. One leg on either side of him.

"What if someone comes in?" I said onto his lips. "Let them." He said and grabbed my ass. He started moving my hips to the rhythm of our kiss.

Guess he didn't care then.

He slowly pulled me forward and lowered me onto his erection. I gasped as I felt him. We were both wearing sweats so he almost just slid right in.

We locked eyes, mine were big while he was just watching me carefully. I was still sore from earlier.

He moved my hips back and forward still watching my reaction. "You like that?" He whispered making me shiver.

I hitched my breath before I could answer. "Y-yeah." I stuttered. I always did that when I was nervous or—with him.

Both our heads turned as my phone started ringing. "Pick it up." He demanded. I grabbed my phone still sitting on him.

It was Carlos. "Pick it up." He demanded again. I swallowed hard and did.

"H-hello?" I stuttered as I stared straight at Ryan. His face was blank. "Hey Tessa. How, ehm how are you?" He asked awkwardly.

"I'm good. Y-you?" Ryan gripped my hips again and pulled me onto him. I gasped, but covered my mouth at once.

"Eh, I'm sorry I got so mad. I can't blame you for your feelings, I know that now. If you could just not tell Ryan that I kissed you it would be great. I don't want him to come for me." He laughed a little at the end. God this is so awkward.

Ryan started moving me around again. "Ye-yeah sure." I breathed as I gripped Ryan's hand to stop him. He just smirked at me in return.

"Tessa, are you ok?" Carlos asked through the phone. "Ye-s. Bye." I said and hung up.

"You can't do that!" I hissed at Ryan and threw my phone on the couch. He laughed and kissed me softly.

I pushed away from him trying to stay angry. I was angry, annoyed. He can't just do that. Make me look bad in front of my friends.

I sat down on the couch making him frown. He sighed loudly.

"So what did he want?" He asked and laid back down. "Sooo, I'm not really supposed to tell you, but I feel like you should know." I started.

"Carlos basically confessed his love to me the other day and then kissed me because he thought I felt the same way." At first he seemed calm, too calm.

"He kissed you?" He mumbled to himself. "I pulled back of course, but now he just wanted to apologize." He was staring blankly on me.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He hissed also very calm. His face was utterly blank, but his voice wasn't.

"No, you're not going to kill him. It's my own fault, because he felt I was leading him on. That's on me." I explained. He seemed to understand, but I still felt he was angry.

The conversation stopped when the bedroom door opened.

"So this is we're you're hiding." A male said as he stepped into the room. His voice was deep, and his skin tan.

"Hello brother." Ryan said and rolled his eyes. I could see their similarities, but his brother looked slightly more Italian then Ryan did. Especially his nose.

"Is this one of your little playthings?" His brother asked as he looked me up and down. I felt uncomfortable with him looking at me. There was something about him that I didn't like.

"Unlike you, I actually respect women. So no she's not my little plaything, her name is Tessa." I cringed at the word 'plaything' it made me sick how his brother would assume something like that.

"Well that "respect" wasn't there before. So that's new." His brother stepped closer to me and reached out his hand.

"My apologies, Tessa. Nicolas." He introduced himself. I hesitated before taking his hand, and he smirked the second I did.

"You can go now." Ryan said and stood up. His expression was hard. He probably didn't like his brother touching me, but I didn't either so...

"Mom wants you downstairs, it's dinner in five." Nicolas said and headed for the door.

Author's note
Sooo, I have absolutely no clue on what they should do while they're in London. If you have any ideas please comment:)

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