33. Who are you?

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We got into the flight and found our seats. I sat by the window and he sat down right next to me.

The flight started moving and I automatically grabbed Ryan's hand. He looked over at me and our eyes met. "Are you scared of flights?" He asked and gently rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"When we first get into the air it's fine. Then the chance of us surviving is higher." I said seriously and closed my eyes.

The plane started going faster and faster. And the faster it went the harder I held onto Ryan. I finally opened my eyes and released a breath. We were in the air, safe and sound—almost.

I turned to Ryan and he was already looking at me. I smiled relieved to him before leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Is there anything I need to know about your family before I meet them?" I asked with my head still on his shoulder.

"My dad's side of the family is from Spain. I never lived there, because when my dad was nineteen he and my grandmother moved to London. There he met my mom and well then I came to the world. And my brother of course." He explained.

I could tell there was some details he left out, but I didn't ask. "How old is your brother?" I asked as he rested his head on mine. "20."

He didn't seem to like to talk about his family a lot. I don't understand why, but I guess I'll find out when I meet them.

After a while of just laying there in silence I fell asleep. So did he I think.

I wonder what we are going to do when we're there. And where we are gonna stay. I know we're staying at his parents house, but I have no idea how it looks there.

And where am I going to sleep? They must have a spare room. His parents probably won't let us sleep in the same room anyway. Most parents wouldn't.

What if they think it's weird that he brings me, since I'm technically not even his girlfriend. Do I want to be? I don't know—maybe...

I woke up to the pilot talking and I figured we had landed. I looked over to my side and by the looks of it Ryan had just woken up as well.

He got up from his seat and I followed. As I started walking my thighs ached. The pain had started to kick in.

I tried to walk as normal as possible as we walked through the airport. It was pretty crowded there. A lot of people shoving one another to get their bags.

Ryan grabbed my hand as we walked through the crowd. He grabbed both our suitcases at once. He sat both down to drag them with him, but I insisted to take my own.

He had been pretty quiet ever since we landed, but I guess he was just nervous. Either he was nervous to meet his family or he was nervous for me to meet them.

I looked up at him and smiled at we walked for the exit. We locked eyes, but he didn't smile back.

I kissed his cheek which caught him by surprise. "Calm down." I said and his shoulders sank a little at it.

We got outside and a car stood there waiting for us. A man came out and smiled brightly at us. I figured it was his dad from his looks. His hair was a little darker then Ryan's, but his features were pretty similar. He looked to be in his late fourties'.

As we got closer he embraced Ryan tightly. "Hey dad." Ryan said as his dad squeezed him flat.

"I've missed you son." He said and let go.

His eyes traveled to me and the smile softened. "Who is this young lady, huh?" His dad asked me.

"Hey, I'm Tessa." I said and gave him a smile in return.

"I'm Lorenzo, nice to meet you." Lorenzo looked back at Ryan for more explanation, but he didn't give any.

I was pretty quiet at the start of the drive. I wanted to let them catch up a bit first.

"So Tessa, what's your relationship to my son?" Lorenzo asked me from the front seat. I didn't know what to say. What were we? We definitely weren't just friends, but I'm not his girlfriend either.

"Uhm—We go to school together." I said and he laughed a bit.

"That's not what I meant." He looked at Ryan.

"So how's mom?" Ryan asked to brush off the question.

"Since abuela is home she's a little tense, but other then that she's good." Lorenzo said.

I guessed that abuela was Lorenzo's mother. "They don't like each other?" I asked curiously.

"More like abuela don't like mom. She thinks she's too serious." Ryan explained to me.

The car stopped and we all got out. We were parked outside a big apartment building. It was extremely tall so I could barely see the top. I crossed my fingers they wouldn't live too far up.

We got inside and I followed them to the elevator. Lorenzo scanned his phone and we started going up—and up, and up.

"How far up do you live?" I asked after a good minute.

"The top." My eyes widened and Ryan laughed a little. "Are you afraid of hights?" He asked and met my eyes.

"Pft, no." I tried to sound convincing but failed. "A little." They both laughed.

The elevator opened and as soon as we got out a woman ran to Ryan. Considering her age it was impressive she still could run.

I looked around as the woman continued to hold Ryan. The place was big. It looked expensive, but still very cozy. There were loads of Christmas decorations everywhere. Big windows here and there, which let in natural light.

The woman finally let go of Ryan and turned to me. "Who are you?" She said with a hint of Spanish in her accent.

"This is Tessa." Ryan said before I could answer.

"This is my mother." Lorenzo said and patted my shoulder as he walked past me. She still watched me with a confused look.

"Is she your—she's gonna stay with us for Christmas." Ryan interrupted his grandmother.

She smiled brightly and came over to me and hugged me tightly. "Call me abuela." She said as she hugged me.

"Who's this?" A woman asked as she walked into the room. Abuela let go of me and rolled her eyes to the woman.

"Don't be rude Celia. This is Ryan's—what are you to him?" She asked and turned to me again.

I looked at Ryan, but he was already looking at me. "We go to school together." I said and used the same explanation he did earlier.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Celia Ryan's mother." She said and gave me a little smile. She was about my height and had blonde hair. It was from her Ryan had got his eyes. The ash gray eyes I always get lost in.

"I'm Tessa." I said and returned her smile.

"Well we have quite a lot of people here, so we can try to reorganize some rooms so we have enough for the two of you." Celia said to Ryan.

"Is there anyone in my room?" Ryan asked and grabbed our bags.

"No, but," Celia paused and tried to figure what Ryan meant.

"We'll sleep there. No problem." He said and smiled to his mom.

"But," Celia tried again.

"I'll just sleep on the couch in my room or something." He said and looked back, to get me to follow him.

"Oh, ok. I'll get it ready for you." Celia said and disappeared into another room.

I followed Ryan to the other end of the house—Literally. "This is my room." He said and opened the door.

His room was massive. It had two big windows on one wall. And on another it had a walk in closet. A big couch was on the same wall and it had a tv in front of it. His bed was massive too. It stood atop a little platform, not tall—probably like 8 inches.

He fell back on the couch looking exhausted. "Your family is nice." I said and sat down next to him.

"That's not half of it." He sighed.

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