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Baddies of the BAU

Hotch: We all need to go in a half hour early tomorrow, Strauss is holding a meeting

Emily: lol not going af 💋🥳

Y/n: cough cough shit sorry I'm sick suddenly won't be in tomorrow 💔

Derek: got porn to watch sorry 😞 not showing up tomorrow 🥶🥶

Hotch: It's mandatory, I like my job as is so please cooperate

JJ: Ok I'll be there I guess

Reid: I don't mind coming in earlier.

Y/n: booo 😴

Derek: fine only bc I don't want a new boss 🤧🤠🤰🏾

Emily: I'll show up but I'm not listening to her bc Ik damn well it's gonna be about our behavior 😒🤢🤢 like leave us alone

Y/n: ^ preach

Derek: she frfr needs to mind her business before I make sure her ass gets put up in a nursing home 🏡🤣😌

Rossi: I think Strauss is alright

Hotch: ...yeah you're alone on that opinion 👍

Rossi: alright kid

Emily: giving.. passive aggression vibes🤺

Rossi: No? I was being genuine

Y/n: Rossi I vote you make us all pasta tomorrow night after we go through that traumatizing meeting 🙈💋💋💝


Rossi: Okay, 8PM!

Garcia: ooo count me in!! family gathering!<3

JJ: We have family gatherings like twice a week tbh

Hotch: I found this in my gallery from the last case

Hotch: I found this in my gallery from the last case

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Emily: Reid..😭😭 ily

Y/n: he's just in a silly goofy mood my sweetest boy 💖💖

Garcia: omg you all look so adorable!! Nice photo Hotch!! <<33

Hotch: Thanks!

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