Chapter 14: Bullies

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A kick to Izuku's shin woke him up. Had he fallen asleep in class again? He'd been getting a lot less sleep since he started going out as a vigilante, which of course led to him getting more tired during the day, but it only got worse now that he had a still-healing concussion. His teachers didn't seem to care enough about Izuku to notice when he fell asleep in class, but his peers were apparently a different story. He looked up to see a few students crowded around his desk, but most of the class, including Kacchan, had already left for lunch.

"What's the matter Deku?" That was the kid with extendable eyeballs that hung around Kacchan sometimes. "Busy night whoring yourself out or something?"

"No." A kid with a minor glow quirk said. "Deku's too useless even for that!"

Eyeballs laughed, "You're right. Just do everyone a favor, Deku and die. Leave some oxygen for the people who actually deserve to breathe."

Izuku stared at the floor and tried to ignore them as he gathered his books and stood to go to lunch. He was already halfway through the day, he could get through this. It was only another few hours. He made it all the way to the hall before his classmates started harassing him again.

"Hey Deku!" Eyeballs growled. "Are you ignoring us?"

Izuku ran down the hall as fast as he could. If he could get to the lunchroom, then hopefully his classmates would get distracted by the promise of food and even if they weren't, the beatings tended to be a little better if there were a lot of people around. Unfortunately, in his haste to get away, Izuku forgot to watch where he was going and ran straight into the kid in his class whose hair was made of boulders.

"Watch it, Deku!" Boulders said.

"I-I'm sorry!" Izuku stuttered. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going and I just want to go to lunch, so...."

He tried to duck around him, but Boulders put a large hand on his shoulder and shoved him back before he could, "Do you think you can just run into me and not face any consequences?"

Izuku started shaking and turned around. If he could run before the other two caught up then he might be able to take a different route to the lunchroom and...

"There you are, Deku!" Eyeballs leered at him as he and Glow cut off his patch of escape. Izuku glanced behind him, only to see Boulders standing threateningly behind him.

"Were you guys looking for this nerd?" Boulders asked.

"Deku here thinks he can ignore us." Glow said.

"Yeah." Eyeballs leaned into Izuku's personal space. "He thinks he's better than us."

Izuku shrank, "N-no, that's n-not it at all! I j-just really think we should be getting to lunch..."

"No," Boulders turned both fists into rocks and slammed Izuku up against the wall, "I think maybe we should teach this quirkless loser a lesson first."

Inko rushed to the school in a panic, almost forgetting her purse at work in her hurry to get to Izuku. The woman on the phone hadn't said much, just that Izuku had gotten into a fight at school and that she needed to come pick him up. A fight? Her baby didn't get into fights! He watched them, he analyzed them, but he didn't get into them!

What had happened? What if Izuku was hurt? What if he...Inko shook her head. No, she couldn't let her anxiety get the best of her right now. Izuku needed her. She needed to be calm for Izuku.

When she finally reached the school, she hurried through the front doors and followed the signs to the front office, "Excuse me? I got a call from you about my son, Izuku?"

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