Chapter 77: Recovery

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Katsuki stared at the blankets, gripping the itchy fabric to anchor himself as he tried to ignore both his emotions and his old man sitting in the corner. His parents had arrived while the doctors were rushing him through the halls, trying to figure out what poison those stupid bees had shot him up with. Katsuki himself had been completely blacked out at that point, but when he'd finally woken up, his old man told him that the old hag had been so stressed that she decided to leave so she wouldn't get kicked out, which somehow wasn't surprising at all. Other than that, he hadn't been told anything, so he was just going through the fight over and over again trying to make some sort of sense out of everything.

There was a knock at the door and his old man looked at him hesitantly before responding, "Come in!"

"Good morning, Bakugo." The doctor smiled as he opened the door. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Katsuki huffed, "But I'm not in pain anymore, so there's that."

The doctor nodded and noted something in his chart, "That's good to hear. Honestly, you're lucky to be alive right now. But I'm sure you're wondering what's going on, so I'll try and answer all your questions as best I can."

What Katsuki really wanted to ask about was Ogawa, but he didn't know if the doctor would actually tell him anything. By the time they had managed to get out of the water, the paramedics were already waiting for them. One of the teams had immediately taken Ogawa from his arms and one guy started chest compressions while the other was busy grabbing a gas mask. Katuski wanted, needed, to stay and make sure his friend was ok, but either the stings had gotten worse with time or he'd just run out of adrenaline, because his entire body had felt like it was on fire. When another team of paramedics had started dragging him away, he couldn't even tell which way was up and down, much less fight them off, and he vaguely remembered Aizawa being in pretty much the same state. He remembered being loaded onto an ambulance as someone tried to ask him ridiculous questions like what year it was, but then everything just went black with pain and he'd woken up hours later to his dad doing crosswords in the corner.

"I, uh, think we mostly like to know what happened." Dad eventually answered. "I know the nurse said something about having to administer an antidote, so does that mean Katsuki was poisoned?"

The doctor nodded, "The villain that attacked you was using mechanical bees as an injection method for an experimental poison that has been outlawed pretty much the world over at this point. It latches onto a person's quirk factor and uses that as an anchor point to destroy the person from the inside out. Thankfully, the danger level depends on the dose, so since young Bakugo here was only stung a few times, we had more than enough time to administer the antidote. You're going to experience some muscle weakness for the next week or so and we'll need to keep you here for a few days for observation, but other than that, you won't have any negative effects. You're very lucky."

Katsuki nodded absently and gripped the sheets a little tighter. If the poison depended on the dose, then what did that mean for Ogawa? He'd been covered in bee stings by the time Katsuki handed him off the paramedics and he hadn't been breathing. Katsuki had assumed that it was from the water, but what if it was because the poison had already done it's work? What about Eraserhead? Was he going to have to get a new homeroom teacher before the school year even started?

"Katsuki." His old man grabbed his hand gently. "Katsuki, do you have any questions for the doctor?"

"Probably won't answer 'em anyway." Katsuki grumbled.

"You'll never know if you don't ask." the doctor pointed out kindly. "But I have been authorized to share some updates with you and I promise that I'll try to answer your questions the best I can."

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