Chapter 113: Internships

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Hitoshi was still getting used to actually being a part of the hero course. He'd taken the seat of the invisible girl, who was apparently on an extended medical leave after several months after being possessed by a villain, which was objectively no stranger than two separate individuals being brainwashed and given multiple quirks, so Hitoshi assumed that was just kinda par for the hero course. Aizawa hadn't shown up yet, so everyone was chatting and wasting time until he crawled in with his sleeping bag a minute before the bell. HItoshi assumed it wasn't too bad as far as daily routines went.

"Uh, Todoroki?" Kaminari asked. "Why are you staring at me?"

Hitoshi glanced over and was trying to be discreet until he realized that most of the class was eavesdropping too, so if no one else was concerned about it, he wasn't going to worry too much. Todoroki was looking at Kaminari suspiciously, almost like he'd figured out something important, "Are you Viridian?"

Kaminari blinked and took a step back, "Uh...what?"

"Oh, are you talking about the theory that's been all over the internet?" Mina jumped in. "It's been everywhere!"

"Wait, what theory?" Uraraka asked. "What's going on?"

"Apparently somebody took the video of Kaminari fighting you and compared it side by side with some footage of Viridian." Jiro explained. "I watched the analysis video, they're like, scary similar."

"No we're not!" Kaminari answered quickly. "I mean I've got a electricity quirk and Viri doesn't!"

"How would you know?" Sero asked. "Viridian's quirk is still unknown, nobody has any idea what it is."

"Uh, it's just that he's never..." Kaminari started.

"Kaminari doesn't look anything like Viridian." Hitoshi muttered.

Suddenly, everyone was looking at him and Mina came bouncing up to him in excitement, "Have you actually met Viridian?!"

Hitoshi leaned back slightly, "Uh, yeah. Bakugo introduced us."

Mina turned on Kacchan like a hawk, "You've met Viridian and you didn't tell us?!"

"If Kaminari is Viridian, then we all have." Todoroki pointed out."

"Guys! I'm not Viridian!" Kaminari insisted. "I don't even know why you would think that! I'm training to be a hero, why would I need to be a vigilante?"

"You could always just be using it as extra training or something." Uraraka grinned mischievously. "What? Are you telling us that you're not moonlighting as a vigilante?"

"I'm not!" Kaminari squeaked. "There's a million reasons why I'm not a vigilante..."

"All of which have at least a dozen theories online explaining how you might have gotten around them." Todoroki said. "And the fighting styles are pretty much identical..."

"Because Viridian taught Kaminari how to fight."

The class went silent as Aizawa strode into the room, putting eyedrops in his eyes. He looked more tired than HItoshi had ever seen him, which made sense considering that the entire UA staff was constantly being bombarded by the media and even just normal civilians about the sports festival attack and on top of that he had to worry about reintroducing Kurogiri to society and all the legal issues that came with that as well as coordinate internships for all of his students. Had he even had time to eat?

Apparently not, because he pulled out some kind of jelly pouch and started opening it as he talked, "I already looked into it as early as the entrance exam and not only does Viridian not use electricity, their personalities are completely different, though it does seem they're compatible. This theory might be new to you, but the heroes have been aware of it for quite some time and have already gathered the evidence to dismiss it. Moving right along, your internships..."

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