Chapter 29: Change

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Izuku couldn't help flinching slightly as the doctor took a literal power saw to his cast. He was fully capable of running at a villain with nothing but a soup can and a pair of sticks with no problem, but he was scared of a doctor who wasn't even trying to hurt him? What was up with that? Maybe it had something to do with adrenaline? Did people become less afraid during life-threatening situations so they didn't shut down?

It only took a few minutes for the doctor to finish cutting off the cast, "Alright, Midoriyas, you should be good to go. Just be careful in the future, because I don't want to see you back here, ok?"

"You really hate me that much?" Izuku couldn't help giggling,

"Doctors show they care by sincerely wishing they never see you again." The doctor said dryly. "If a doctor is excited for the next time you end up in their office, find a new doctor."

"Come on, Izuku," Mom smiled, "let's go."

"Wait!" Izuku bit his lip, "Could I keep my cast?"

The doctor looked mildly surprised, but handed it over without any questions and opened the door for them to leave.

"Thank you!" Izuku smiled and gave a little wave. He and Mom made their way back through the waiting room and Izuku couldn't hold back a little sigh of relief as soon as they got outside.

"Glad that's over?" Mom said with a smile.

"Yes!" Izuku said. "I'm so excited to have full use of both arms again!"

He was mostly excited because he would finally be able to be a vigilante again! He hadn't had the courage to go out since his fight with Eraserhead, because he figured that the other heroes would have a similar reaction to his cast, and Eraser had probably told everyone about his broken arm by this point anyway, but he missed everyone. Sure, he didn't actually talk to most of the heroes, but it was still nice to see them when he was running away.

"Why did you want to keep the cast?" Mom asked. "I would have thought you'd want to put this whole thing behind you. The broken arm, the bullying, everything."

Izuku looked at the cast, or more specifically the signature on it, and smiled, "I do, but Kaminari signed this. That makes it special. And if I hadn't broken my arm, I wouldn't have ever thought to try online school, so...yeah. I guess it wasn't all bad."

Mom smiled, "I'm so proud of you, Izuku. You seem so much happier since we got you out of that school. How are classes going?"

Izuku spent the rest of the way home rambling about what he was learning in his classes. He was doing well in all his core classes, and his programming homework was really easy with all the extra practice he had gotten by hacking the cameras and comms as Viridian, not that he told Mom about that. But by far, his favorite classes were quirk theory. When he'd finished his art class, he'd ended up replacing it with a more advanced quirk theory credit so that he had two of them in his schedule. It was so much fun!

"...and there's this theory that's been gaining traction in the last few years called the quirk singularity theory, that basically believes that quirks will become more powerful and complex with every generation and soon, no one will be able to control them." Izuku rambled. "I see where they get the idea that quirks will become more complex, there's tons of evidence, but I think it's much more likely that people's bodies will evolve to control the more powerful quirks. That's probably why it's still a fringe theory, but it's got a dedicated fanbase."

Mom nodded along with interest even though Izuku knew that she didn't really know what he was talking about. It meant a lot to him that she listened though. No one else did that for him. Izuku couldn't help but wonder if Eraser or Kaminari would listen like this if he rambled around them. He knew it was probably too much to hope for, would be nice.

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