Chapter 62: Investigation

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Katsuki slouched up the stairs and knocked on the door as hard as he could, "Ogawa, you tentacle-haired bastard, you better be in there!"

He might be getting better at this whole emotion thing, but worry still felt a hell of a lot like anger and Katsuki was ready to punch his friend's face in as soon as he opened the door.

Except for the fact that he didn't.

Instead, the door was opened by a woman who looked to be a few years older than Ogawa was, with long locks of grey hair that almost looked like dusty cobwebs, "What do you think you're doing, brat?"

Katsuki looked her up and down. He knew he didn't have the address wrong, but Ogawa had mentioned that he lived with his deadbeat sister, so this must be her, "I'm looking for your stupid brother, not you. Is he home?"

"Can't you just text him like a normal person rather than showing up and pounding on my door in the middle of my nap?" She challenged.

"You don't think I already tried that, dumbass?" Katsuki growled. "He's not answering, so why don't you go pull him out of his room so I can give him a piece of my mind."

The sister, Arakune if Katsuki remembered correctly, huffed, "Even if I was willing to do that, brat, he's not here."

Katsuki felt his stomach drop slightly, "Well then, where the fuck is he?"

Arakune shrugged, "Hell if I know. Haven't seen him in almost a week. He's probably out on a bender or something."

"So let me get this straight." Katsuki said quietly. "Your brother has been missing for a week and you don't even care?!"

"Do I look like I care about what that brat does?" She rolled her eyes. "Go ask his friends or whatever and get off my porch before I make you."

Katsuki growled quietly as she slammed the door in his face. He had half a mind to blow it down and force her to talk to him, but it didn't seem like she had a lot of information anyway, so instead he turned on his heel and stalked down the street. Where could Ogawa have gone? It just wasn't like him to disappear like this, not that Katsuki had really known him that long, but still...Whatever, he should probably file a missing person's report or something since the idiot's sister obviously didn't care enough to do it.

Katsuki stopped walking as the thought processed. Ogawa was missing. No one knew where he was. He wasn't at home sick like he and the others had assumed. He...something might have happened to him. He could be in danger!

The realization made Katsuki sick and it seemed like almost no time at all until he was kicking open the door to the police station. The cat-headed officer he'd seen on his last visit was sitting at the desk again, so Katsuki went right up to him, "Hey furball, is Amplifier here?"

The officer visibly bristled, his fur standing up on end and Katsuki wondered if he should apologize. Probably, but right now he was too worried to do anything but find Amplifier so he could get her to find Ogawa.

"She's not here right now." A plain looking detective said kindly, walking up to the desk.

Katsuki paused for a moment, "What about Eraserhead? Is he around?"

"It's the same issue." The detective pointed out. "They're both active at night, so they won't be on duty for another few hours. But maybe we can still help? I'm Detective Tsukauchi, it's nice to meet you."

Katsuki eyed him suspiciously, then huffed, "Katsuki Bakugo."

He remembered Amplifier mentioning a Tsuki at the police station a couple times, so this must be him. Whatever. He'd have to be good enough.

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