Chapter 108: Chase

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Katsuki smirked as he stared across the field at ochako. "Careful, Pink Cheeks. I'm not gonna go easy on you you know."

Ochako met his challenge without even flinching, "Don't you dare Kacchan."

Cementoss looked to make sure they were both ready before nodding, "Begin!"

Uraraka immediately rushed toward him and tried to get him to float, but he exploded her before that could happen. The smokescreen his explosions created was normally pretty useful when he was the one taking advantage of it, but he had to give the girl credit for finding a way to turn it against him. Every time he thought he had her pinned, she'd pop up somewhere else like the world's most fucked up game of whack-a-mole. He smirked and let off an even larger explosion when he caught sight of her jack, excited to see how she'd get out of that one...except she'd never gotten into it in the first place.

Katsuki stumbled back, eyes wide as she came at him from the side. He would have tripped, but luckily there was no rubble in his path, so he wasn't down yet, "Pretty smart Cheeks, using your jacket as a diversion like that."

Ochako didn't take the bait, staying silent and practically invisible inside the billowing clouds of smoke around them. Katsuki caught a slight hint of movement and immediately launched an explosion that way. He got lucky and Ochako let out a cry as she was pushed back.

The crowd booed loudly as she slowly pulled herself to her feet and Katsuki wanted to snap at them. Didn't they see how hard she was fighting? Didn't they see how fucking hard he had to work to keep himself from going down? Why were they thinking it was a beatdown when it was an even match?

"You all really don't know what it's like to be a woman in heroics, do you?" Amplifier's giggle echoed around the stadium. "You're looking at Bakugo like he's the big bad wolf and Uraraka's the damsel in distress, and I think it's tragic how often women are underestimated in this industry. Have you figured it out yet? What's happening down on that field isn't a beatdown. It's a strategy!"

Katsuki tensed. A strategy? He'd caught onto her relentless attacks and her use of the smokescreen as a cover to hide her movements, but Amplifier made it sound like there was something he was missing and Ochako's proud smile pretty much confirmed it.

"Thank you, Kacchan." Ochako's breath was heavy and she looked exhausted, but still managed to smirk at him as she pressed her fingertips together. "For keeping your eyes on me."

Katsuki looked up.

There was a fucking meteor shower headed his way. Seriously?! He'd known she was powerful, but this was something else! He could use a massive blast and take out the entire attack with one blow, and maybe if things were different, he would have, but he wanted to be an underground hero and showing off an attack like that would hurt him more than it would help. Probably literally, considering the strain it would put on his wrists. Instead, he dodged as best he could and exploded the biggest rocks that looked like they could actually deal some damage, but he still wasn't all too surprised when he felt Uraraka grab his wrist and fling him out of the ring like a ragdoll.

He tumbled to a stop when Ochako released his gravity again and rolled his eyes at her exhausted, triumphant smirk, "Alright, cheeks, you got me. That was pretty fucking awesome."

"Thanks." Ochako's grin got a bit wider. "I thought you'd like it!"

"Uraraka wins!"

Shouto shivered as he made his way off the field and back into the tunnels. Alright, so maybe he had gone a bit overboard in his fight against Sero but he still wasn't quite sure if that was because he was angry about what Touya had said or if he was just trying to show off for his long lost brother. When he reached the hall that went up to where class 1A was sitting, he hesitated. He could turn left and go back to sit with the class...or he could go say hi to his siblings and make sure Touya hadn't annoyed them to death.

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