Chapter 87: Bakugo

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Denki grinned and laughed as Sero used his tape to steal Mina's bag before class and stick it to the ceiling as revenge for her melting the pencil he leant her yesterday. He couldn't remember ever clicking so well with anyone besides Izuku and honestly, it was awesome! These guys were more the class clown type, rather than badass nerds like Izuku was, but that didn't mean they were any less awesome.

"If you dumasses keep doing that, Aizawa's gonna catch you and kick your asses." Bakugo yelled. "Save the roughhousing for combat exercises!"

"We're just having a bit of fun, Bakubro, but you're welcome to join in!" Kirishima grinned. "We were planning on stopping before class anyway!"

Bakugo just rolled his eyes, "If you weren't, I'd be concerned you actually had hair for brains."

"Aww, he cares!" Mina teased, poking at Bakugo's cheek. "You act like an asshole, but that's just a front. You're actually like a...hmm, a...?"

"A porcupine?" Sero suggested helpfully.

"No, not cute enough." Mina pouted.

"I am not cute!" Bakugo yelled, slapping Mina's hand away. "Leave me alone."

"I mean, the spikes kinda fit." Kirishima mused. "I was thinking more like a pomeranian, but..."

"Seriously, dumb hair, do you want to die?" Bakugo threatened.

Denki stifled his laughter behind his hand. Bakugo was so easy to rile up, but even if he was loud and acted angry all the time, he was a surprisingly good sport about teasing. Which, of course, gave them all permission to tease him harder. He hadn't ever really expressed interest in being their friend, but he'd somehow gotten pulled into the group anyway. It was kinda fun.

Denki gasped loudly as an idea occurred to him, "A hedgehog! They're adorable and have spikes!"

"Aww! That's so cute!" Uraraka squealed as she joined the conversation. "I can just see a little hedgehog getting all grumpy just like Bakugo does!"

"I said I'm not cute!" Bakugo exploded, his face turning a little pink either from anger or embarrassment. "Stop trying to make me something I'm not!"

"Please refrain from comparing our classmates to animals." Iida reprimanded. "Bakugo is a human, not a hedgehog or a pomeranian no matter how apt those comparisons may be!"

"What did you say, four-eyes?!"

"Guys." Todoroki's monotone cut through the chaos. "Aizawa's coming."

Denki quickly jumped on the desk to pull Ashido's bag down and Inasa used his wind to gather the tape into a ball and toss it in the trash while the rest of the class scrambled to get into their seats as quickly as they could. They managed it, but only a split-second before Aizawa strode into the room and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Massive improvement." He observed. "Maybe you all have potential after all. We have a field trip next week, so make sure your parents sign the forms we emailed you and turn them in. other than that, we have something extremely important to take care of today."

He glared at them, activating his quirk. Denki wasn't actually sure what his quirk was, just that he used it to be intimidating and it made his eyes turn red, but it still sent a shiver down his spine, like there was something he was missing. It was kinda creepy, but he had to admit that it was a great way to make sure they were paying attention. It also made them all instantly more terrified of whatever Aizawa thought was important.

He swept over the room with his eyes one final time, "You need to pick a class president."

Denki sighed in relief. That was just normal classroom stuff, nothing major and nothing that would get anyone expelled. Everyone else was raising their hands to volunteer and Denki kinda wanted to do the same, but...well, would anyone want an idiot like him as their class president anyway? Izuku always said he was smart, and Denki would agree, but what if he was only smart on things that he hyper fixated on? What if none of that actually translated over into being a good leader?

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