Chapter 15: The Hospital

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Izuku let Mom lead him into the waiting room and he sat down while she went to the desk to fill out the paperwork. When she was done, she came and sat beside him, but there wasn't anything she could say to make the situation better, so they just sat silently until Izuku's name was called.

A nurse led them into an examination room and took Izuku's vitals. She took in Izuku's bruises, then looked at Inko suspiciously, "What happened?"

"Nothing!" Izuku said quickly. "I just fell..."

"There was a fight at school." Inko interrupted. "He's been hiding the bullying from me, so it makes sense he'd hide it from you as well, but you don't have to do that anymore Izuku."

Izuku stared at the ground again and the nurse nodded before she left to go get the doctor.


Whatever she was going to say was cut off by the doctor opening the door, "Izuku Midoriya?"

Izuku nodded and the doctor sat down beside the examination table he was sitting on, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm fine!" Izuku said, "I can handle it, Mom's just worried!"

"Izuku." Inko was starting to get exasperated. Why wouldn't Izuku let them help him?

"That's ok." The doctor smiled. "I'm sure you're a strong young man. But why don't you show me what your mom's worried about, to ease her nerves at the very least."

Izuku frowned for a moment before shrugging off his uniform jacket, then his shirt, struggling as he tried to undo the buttons one handed. Inko almost helped him, but one look was enough to tell her that Izuku needed to do that much on his own. She struggled not to gasp in horror when she saw the collection of bruises that had been hiding beneath his clothes, some already in the healing stages, which meant that this was far from the only beating Izuku had receieved.

The doctor though, just took the injuries in stride and gently started prodding at his arm, "Does this hurt?"

Izuku winced, but shook his head.

The doctor sighed, "I'd feel more comfortable getting some x-rays, ok? Mrs. Midoirya, you stay here, and I'll walk Izuku over to radiology, okay?"

Izuku thought everyone was overreacting. Sure, his arm hurt, but it wasn't broken. Probably. Honestly, Izuku hadn't thought through what would happen if it was and they hadn't gone to the hospital, but his arm didn't hurt enough to be broken. After the x-rays were taken, he was expecting the doctor to lead him back to the room where his mom was waiting, but the doctor led him to a different one instead.

The doctor closed the door and turned to face Izuku, "Midoriya? I just want to let you know that you're safe here and we will do everything in our power to help you, ok?"

Izuku nodded. He wasn't quite sure why the doctor was telling him this. Wasn't that what doctors were there for?

"Good." The doctor siad. "Now, is everything ok at home?"

Izuku looked at the doctor in confusion, "Yes? Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, sometimes when kids come in with injuries like yours..."

Izuku's eyes widened, "You think Mom did this to me? No!" he tried to instinctively wave his arms in front of him, but winced at the pain the action caused. "No, Mom would never hurt me."

"Are you sure?" The doctor asked softly. "You don't have to protect her."

"No! I just..." Izuku started crying again. "I love my mom! I didn't tell her about the bullying because I didn't want her to worry and there's nothing she could have done anyways and I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but then it got worse and I still didn't tell her and then today happened and then the principal called and I didn't want to come here and now she's gonna get in trouble and it's all my fault and..."

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