Chapter 110: Weight

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Shouta's jaw dropped as he stared at Oboro, who was waving awkwardly at them. Apparently it was one thing to intellectually know that Kurogiri was his old friend, but it was another thing to actually see it. Mic was the first to recover from the shock and he threw himself at Oboro, wrapping his arms around him like he'd never let him go again. Shouta activated his quirk to make sure Mic didn't break the whole stadium down around them.

"You're back! It's you! You're actually back!" Mic froze and pulled away, his hands on Oboro's shoulders. "Wait, you are back, aren't you? This isn't some trick and the brainwashing's still there, is it?"

"Gee, I hope not." Oboro looked almost nauseous. "Um, kid? You did break the brainwashing, didn't you?"

Shinso groaned and rolled over onto his back, "Not intentionally. Pain breaks mind control and apparently you had a lot more memories to get back than the other guy. You could've warned me."

"The other guy?" Oboro frowned and then his eyebrows shot up. "Wait, are you talking about Ogawa?! I thought he was dead!"

"Nope." Shinso groaned. "But you will be if you don't stop talking. You gave me a migraine."

Oboro winced, "Oh, sorry. But, uh, are you feeling well enough to check if All for One is still, control?"

Shinso cracked one eye open, "If I do, will you let me sleep?"

"We'll take you straight to Recovery Girl." Midnight offered. "You deserve it."

Shinso nodded, "Ok. What's your name again?"

"Well, uh...I've had a couple..." Oboro began awkwardly, trailing off when he fell under Shinso's control.

Shinso sat still for a long moment, but Shouta didn't dare interrupt him. Worst case scenario was that he was fighting All for One again, which hopefully the kid would be able to handle, but that was a lot of pressure to put on a kid who wasn't even officially in the hero course yet. After a long moment, Shinso sighed, "Break any remaining connection with all brainwashers except for me."

"So he was still there." Mic observed sadly.

Shinso glared tiredly at him, "No. But better safe than sorry. There's always the chance he was trying to minimize his presence and hide from me or something, so I figured I'd give the order. It'll give you peace of mind or whatever. Now can you shake him or something? I'm tired."

Midnight grabbed Oboro's shoulder and shook him awake. He blinked a few times before his eyes filled with tears, "I'm free, guys. I'm free."

"Yeah, you are." Shouta said softly, grabbing Shinso by the arm and pulling him too his feet. "Now let's get you both to Recovery Girl."

Denki really hoped that Izuku was alright. From what he'd understood before he'd had to run off and actually fight in the sports festival, Izuku's plan to use Ingenium as a distraction to let him escape had worked a little too well, considering that Denki was pretty sure he was fighting the hero killer right now? Izuku was the smartest person Denki knew, but that sometimes flew right out the window when he got too focused on something and saving people apparently took a lot of focus. But as amazing as it was to watch Izuku in the zone, when he got like that, he didn't have the mental energy left to worry about small details.

For example, getting arrested.

Hopefully it wouldn't be a big deal. Denki's classmates had been pretty nice so far, so he hoped they would at least give Izuku a chance, but there was a reason Izuku had so much trouble trusting new people, especially when it came to his quirklessness. The truth was that a lot of the time people just sucked and even more often, people repeated dumb opinions without really knowing the truth, so as much as Denki wanted to believe that all of his classmates would be super supportive, he knew better than to trust them before they'd proven themselves. They'd get a chance to do just that a little later, assuming that Izuku didn't actually manage to pull a Houdini and escape again.

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