Chapter 46: Consequences

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Today's Izuku hated yesterday's Izuku.

What kind of idiot thought it was a good idea to go from almost dying to passing out at home with only basic first aid? Maybe he should have just gone to the paramedics last night, secret identity be damned. At least then he wouldn't be freaking out in bed trying to think of some sort of half-decent excuse for the mummy-like bandages all over his body as Mom frantically knocked on the door, worried about why he wasn't up yet .

"I'm coming in...okay Izuku?"

Izuku's eyes widened and he had to settle for hastily pulling his blanket all the way up to his nose as the door swung open. He knew he had some scratches on his face from the fight, but his goggles should have protected most of the upper half of his face, so hopefully Mom would miss the rest of his injuries in the dim light of the room. Maybe.

"Are you feeling ok, baby?" Mom asked quietly. "You're usually up by now. What time did you end up going to bed?"

"Um..." Izuku winced as his voice scratched painfully. Ah, right. Smoke inhalation was a thing. He hadn't even thought about that last night. "Probably later than I should have."

Mom looked at him with loving concern as she hurried to his side and put her hand on his forehead making Izuku wince as she touched his burned skin, "Ah, baby, you're burning up! Why didn't you tell me you were coming down with something?"

Izuku grabbed the excuse like a lifeline, "I didn't want to worry you.I've been feeling a little off the last couple of days, but I didn't think it was a big deal and would go away if I drank enough water..."

Mom melted, "I already told you, baby, you can tell me things. I know you don't want me to be worried about you, but I'm your mother. That's my job." She frowned. "Work called me in today, but maybe I should call them back and tell them I can't come in. I don't want to leave you alone if you're sick."

"No! Please don't do that!" If Mom was around, it would make it that much more difficult for Izuku to find enough privacy to tend to his actual injuries and change the bandages that were probably gross by now. Mom tended to hover when she thought he was sick. "I mean, if work needs you, I don't want you to stay home for my sake, right? Um, did they say why they called you in?"

Mom's face twisted with both sadness and worry, "Apparently there was a huge villain attack last night. One of my coworkers got caught up in it."

A flood of guilt rushed over Izuku, ", are they alright?"

Was it the berserker attack he'd been involved in last night? Was Mom's coworker someone he hadn't been good enough to save? Was it his fault they were hurt?

Mom smiled sadly, "They were injured, but they'll be ok. Apparently not everyone was so lucky..."

Izuku swallowed thickly. Not everyone was so lucky...? Had people...? He had done everything he could, but he was just a worthless quirkless kid, so of course it hadn't been enough!

"Are you sure you'll be ok here all alone?" Mom put her hand on his forehead again. "You look like you're about to throw up."

He felt like he was about to throw up, but it was his fault that Mom's coworker was injured, so he couldn't ask her to stay home, "I'll be fine. I'm probably just going to take some nyquil and try to sleep it off."

"Ok..." Mom still looked worried, but she tucked his blankets a little tighter around him and stood to leave. "Call me if you need anything, ok? I don't want you to think you're bothering me at work or anything, you take priority, alright Izuku? And I know you're feeling nauseous, but don't forget to eat. Would you like me to get you some toast or something before I go?"

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