Chapter 92: Overwhelmed

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"Your spider silk is strong enough to hold this guy, I know it is." Katsuki tried hard not to sound like he was pleading, "I just need someone to hold him. I can get away after that. "

"Really? With two broken legs?" Arakune crossed her arms skeptically. "You know, I'm half tempted to help you just to watch you fail."

"Not to avenge your brother or anything?" Katsuki grumbled under his breath. "Fine. If I get out, great, and if I don't, you get some entertainment, all while proving to these villains that you're in control and they shouldn't mess with you. It's a win-win for you, alright?"

Arakune smirked, "Deal."

Her hair shot out and Katsuki launched himself away as soon as he felt the Nomu's weight decrease. He really shouldn't be jostling broken bones like this, but staying where he was would be worse. Flying wasn't as easy as he had anticipated, his balance had been thrown off by both the pain and his useless legs, so he hit the ground far sooner and harder than he anticipated, landing right on his shoulder, which made a suspicious popping sound and caused him to black out again for half a second.

Katsuki grit his teeth and waited for the Nomu to attack him again, but nothing happened. He forced himself up on one elbow so he could look around, and the monster was just sitting there, dead-eyed as ever. He didn't even make any move to attack Arakune as she retracted her hair and rushed back to fight Aizawa again, sending a satisfied smirk in Katsuki's direction. He wanted to flip her off, but somehow he suspected it wouldn't have the full impact if he could barely even move. The Nomu must have decided that Katsuki was sufficiently incapacitated, and since Shigaraki hadn't given him any other orders, he was just waiting.

It was relieving and creepy at the same time.

When Toshinori arrived at the USJ, the students saw him before he saw them. There was a swarm of bees at the front door, just as young Iida had described, so instead of at the entrance, the escaped students had congregated on the side, half-hidden in the trees. Over half the students must still be inside, but the rest were gathered and treating each other's injuries as best they could. Todoroki had created a miniature glacier against the side of the building and Kouda stood back, looking upward with a bird on each shoulder toward where Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were perched on the roof next to a section of shattered glass, a handful of other birds circling them. As Toshinori watched, a gust of wind blew through the hole, carrying Yaoyorozu with it. Dark Shadow caught her before she flew too far and dropped her onto the glacier, which upon further observation was, more accurately, a slide that allowed young Yaoyorozu to reach the ground safely, where she immediately began creating first-aid supplies. He couldn't help taking a moment to be proud of his students, despite the urgency of the situation.

"All Might!" Mina called out to him and waved him over, tears in her eyes, "You came!"

"Yes, young Ashido." All Might smiled. "I am here."

"The best way in and out is through the roof." Todoroki reported. "According to Kouda, the bees at the entrance aren't normal, so we decided it was best to give them a wide berth, especially considering that bees had sometimes to do with my father's disappearance. Kouda has birds taking care of any stray bees that try to block our escape here."

"Good work. Keep handling evacuation until the other heroes arrive." All Might said, popping his knuckles. "I'll take care of the rest."

"We need to get out of here." Mineta cried. "Sure, we got off that stupid boat, but there's still villains everywehre!"

"Where do you want us to go?" Ochako huffed. "It's not like we can go out the entrance, not with all those bees blocking the door. What do you want us to do?"

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