Chapter 80: First Days

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Shouta needed more coffee, but honestly, he didn't know if there was enough caffeine in the world to make today seem manageable. He'd given Viridian's new notebook to Nedzu and All Might as soon as he'd come in this morning and he knew that having confirmation that All for One was involved should have felt satisfying. It was a lead, which was more than they usually had, and they could move forward with this information, but at the same time, it was daunting. How were they supposed to fight an overpowered legend that was actively turning innocent people into superweapons?

And of course the universe hated him, which meant that he couldn't even focus on the break in the case because he had brats to traumatize. At least he already knew that some of them had potential, so he wasn't worried about expelling his whole class. Bakugo would be there, as would Kaminari, and they were both sure to be a handful. And then there was Tensei's little brother, who had a good head on his shoulders, even if he was a little stiff. It still remained to be seen if Todoroki wanted to be a hero for himself or if that had been his father's dream, but hopefully he'd figure that out soon enough. The rest of the kids still had to prove themselves.

He shimmied himself into the classroom and waited for the class to fall silent. Bakugo and Todoroki both noticed straight away, but neither of them said anything to warn their classmates. Bakugo just smirked at him and Shouta could tell he was filing this moment away for blackmail purposes. Too bad everyone important already knew about his sleeping bag, so using it as blackmail was completely ineffective.

Finally after about a minute, Kaminari happened to look over and stared at him for a long moment before blurting out, "Dude. What the fuck?"

As one, the class swiveled their heads toward him and Shouta winced as everyone started yelling and speaking over one another. Tenya immediately started scolding them and Bakugo just snorted as Shouta emerged from his sleeping bag. This wasn't doing anything to help him need less caffeine.

"It took you all over a minute to notice me. That's unacceptable. In the field, hesitation like that will get you killed." He activated his quirk as he spoke and several students backed away. "If you intend to make it here at UA, you're going to have to do better. Much better."

He pulled a gym uniform from his sleeping bag and tossed it to the first student he saw, which turned out to be the antigravity girl who'd helped Kaminari after the entrance exam, "You may have gotten into the hero course, but now it's time to see if you actually deserve to be here. Let's see what you've got."

Katsuki didn't really know what to do with himself. He had a feeling he was supposed to be making friends or something. Ogawa and Amplifier would have been pushing him towards that, if they were there, but he hadn't really done friends, especially ones his own age, in...well, ever since he'd decided he was done being an asshole, the extras at school had stopped hanging around him, but had they ever really been his friends or were they just his lackeys? The point was that he didn't really know how to make friends and he wasn't off to a great start.

He'd come into the room, resolutely ignoring Icyhot, who gave him a suspicious look from the back of the room, and made himself comfortable only to almost immediately get yelled at by some four-eyes to get his feet off the desk. The old him would have cussed the guy out and told him exactly where he could shove his private school superiority, but he knew Eraser and Amplifier would never let him hear the end of it if he got into a fight on his first day at UA, so he just tched and rolled his eyes, but took his feet off the desk. Four-eyes looked pleasantly surprised, but Katsuki just glared at him, daring him to say anything, which threw him for a loop. They stayed like that until four-eyes got distracted by some new girl walking into the room.

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