Chapter 83: Battle

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"Dude!" Sero pleaded. "If you know what we're doing this afternoon, just tell us!"

Denki grinned widely, "Sorry, cross my heart and hope to die, I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I will warn you that you're all about to lose your minds!"

"Ugh!" Mina sobbed. "I swear this is worse than not having any hints at all!"

"Dunce face probably doesn't know shit." Bakugo scoffed from across the room. "He's just messing with you."

"Am not!" Denki pouted. "Ok, maybe I am having fun, but..."

"That's not manly dude!" Kirishima complained.

"If Bakugo's right and you don't know anything..." Mina warned.

"Everybody shut up!" Jiro yelled. "The teacher's coming!"

Denki smiled knowingly and watched his classmates' reactions as the door slammed open and All Might, the All Might, came into the room and struck a pose, "I am here! To be your teacher!"

The class exploded into excited yells as Denki chuckled, "Told you you'd lose your minds."

"You knew!? " Kirishima's eyes bugged out of his head. "All Might is so manly dude!"

"Thank you for the compliment, young man!" All Might laughed loudly. "But enough about me! This is about you, the next promising generation of young heroes! To be heroes, however, you have to look the part!"

He pressed a remote and a section of the wall slid away, revealing a collection of briefcases labeled with their student numbers. Denki couldn't hold back a gasp, and he wasn't the only one.

"Are those our costumes?!" Hagakure yelled. "So cool!"

"Hurry and get dressed, then meet me at practice ground Beta!" All Might instructed. "Let's see what you can do!"

Denki didn't waste any time getting dressed. He and Izuku had designed his costume together and they'd both decided to keep it simple and practical so that it wouldn't get in his way while he fought. Denki would have loved to stay and gawk at all the other guy's awesome costumes, but he figured he'd have time to do that later while they fought and he didn't know when he'd get another opportunity to really talk to All Might. He knew that he'd given him his number, but it just felt so wrong to casually text the number one hero, hey, I looked over the information and I know it's probably dangerous, but decided I want to accept your quirk and become the next symbol of peace anyway. Cool?

Thankfully, when he got out of the dressing rooms, All Might was the only person there. When he caught sight to Denki, he grinned, "Young Kaminari! You look like a hero!"

"Thanks!" Denki bounced up to him and smiled. "It feels so weird, you know? I've wanted to be a hero for so long and now it's actually happening!"

"Well, you deserve it. I'm sure you'll do well." All Might ruffled his hair. "How have you been? I'm sure you didn't have time to look over all the information I gave you, as there was quite a bit..."

"Actually, I read it all last night." Denki corrected quickly. "Sorry, was I not supposed to? It's just that it was easier to get it all done in one go. If I'd split it up, I was scared that I'd forget about it, or.."

All Might laughed, "Don't worry, my boy, there's nothing wrong with being eager! It just surprised me is all! So...what did you think?"

He looked nervous and Denki got why, "Well, there are some risks, obviously, but...well there's risks to being a hero too, right?"

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