Chapter 71: Letters

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"Oi! Katsuki! There's a letter for ya!"

Katuski ignored his old hag's excitement as he jumped down half the stairs and snatched the letter from her hand, "Give me that. It's UA, right?"

"Of course it is, brat." She scoffed proudly and cuffed him lightly over the head. "You better have gotten in!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Obviously I got in, old hag! Now leave so I can have some peace and quiet while I open it."

"If you want quiet, go to your room!"

"Fine!" Katsuki trudged up the stairs, envelope in hand, and slammed the door. It was finally here. The evidence that all his hard work had been worth it. If Ogawa wasn't still missing, Katsuki probably would have gone to the beach and opened it with him and the others, but as much as he hated it, now that the weekly meetings were over, the group hadn't really been hanging out as much. They tried, but Katsuki had been busy preparing for the entrance exam and the other two were busy trying to find better jobs now that their records were clean. They still texted occasionally and had hung out once or twice, and if Katsuki was ever just wandering around the underground, he was bound to run into them eventually, but without Ogawa to glue them together, it was taking a lot more work to maintain the friendship. To make things even harder, even though none of them had never mentioned it, Katsuki could tell they all knew something was missing when they hung out, so the less that they saw each other, the less they had to remember what it used to be like.

Katsuki shook his head. He'd find him. He only hesitated slightly before tearing open the envelope. This was the moment of truth. Could he actually be a real hero?

Instead of the letter he had expected, a weird metal disk fell onto the desk with a loud clunk and it took Katsuki a second to realize it was a miniature holograph projector. A bright light shone out and when the image solidified, All Might was smiling at the camera, wearing some god awful yellow suit. It threw Katsuki for a moment until he remembered hearing a couple of rumors at Dabi's bar that All Might was gonna start teaching at UA. He'd thought the rumors were completely ridiculous, but now it looked like he owed a couple people apologies for laughing at them. Great.

"I am here!" All Might grinned. "As a projection!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Obviously, dumbass. Now get to the point."

"The truth is that I didn't just come to this city to fight villains! I'm the newest UA faculty member!" All Might coughed slightly before continuing. "Katsuki Bakugo, you got an exemplary score on the written exam and tied for first in the practical! In addition, I've been told a few heroes even put in a good word for you!"

Katsuki knew what All Might was going to say, but he still found himself holding his breath in anticipation.

"Congratulations and welcome!" All Might gave the camera his signature grin. "This is your hero academia!"

"I got in." Queen Bee informed him. "With this host's quirk and the information you gave me on the robot's design and weak points, the exam was easy, but I kept to the middle of the pack, just like instructed."

"Perfect. Move forward with the next phase of our plan." All for One grinned widely and disconnected the call, letting Queen Bee get back to living her host's life. She was a bit more of a wallflower than Queen Bee naturally was, but the personality change had been apparently accepted as the host turning over a new leaf and coming out of her shell. Not that he cared, of course, but it was a relief that she hadn't been discovered. That would have been inconvenient.

All for One finally felt in control again. After months of meddlesome interference from vigilantes and heroes, everything was finally going according to plan. The doctor had reported that their most recent experiments had taken nicely to the tangled quirks he'd given them, and so far neither had shown any sign of rejecting their new quirks. It was a shame that the multiple quirks had combined into what appeared to be a single quirk, but the result was far more powerful than a natural born quirk and it was worth the trade off if it meant that his pawns retained their mental faculties. He could always use the failures, the nomu, if he needed distinct quirks to make an impact.

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