Chapter 34: Return

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Izuku was trying his hardest not to hopelessly fanboy, he really was, but it was Ingenium! He was such an amazing hero, especially considering how young he was, and he had an entire team of sidekicks working for him! There were dozens! And Izuku had never seen him in this area before...well, he actually had, considering that Ingenium had come to Musutafu for a UA reunion and patrolled the streets to sign autographs, but that didn't really count.

He was curious as to why he was here though. Had he moved recently? Maybe there was some increase in villainy recently? Izuku thought he would have noticed if that were the case, but maybe with the whole breaking his arm thing it was possible some things had slipped through the cracks...Izuku shook his head and took off over the rooftops again. He needed to be looking for crimes right now, not geeking out over a hero, even if he was really cool.

Maybe he'd have a chance to run into Eraserhead again tonight. He hadn't actually seen him since their talk last week, something that was honestly freaking him out a little bit. Sure, Eraser had been really supportive and everything, but now he knew. Talking openly about his suicide plans had seemed really comforting in the moment, but now that Izuku had had a while to worry about it, he was starting to think that he should have just laughed it off and deny the whole thing. Not that his midoriya tears would even let him do that, but he could have at least tried.

What if Eraserhead was avoiding him and that was why Izuku hadn't seen him? But if he was avoiding him, why hadn't he started doing that before the whole suicide talk thing? It would havelet him avoid a really awkward conversation, so why didn't he just do that?

Thankfully, a shout from a few streets over knocked Izuku out of his thoughts, but then he immediately felt guilty for being grateful. Someone was in trouble! That wasn't a good thing! He jumped down onto the next roof and peered over right as someone screamed. There was a group of girls that were seemingly coming home from a night on the town and cornering them against the wall was the big\gest villain Izuku had ever seen. He was almost tempted to say that the guy wasn't human, but that would be incredibly rude. What was obvious was that the guy had a mutation quirk, though Izuku couldn't tell exactly what it was from his current angle, just that he was huge, had multiple arms, and his hands didn't actually look like hands.

Alright, so Izuku probably wouldn't be able to handle this guy on his own, so he should get a hero. Rock Lock should be the closest to where he was now, based on his patrol schedule. He needed to get him quickly before...

The villain let out a terrifying roar and slammed his claws into the ground. Wait, maybe they were pincers? Izuku shook his head, either way they were strong enough to completely shatter the concrete, which the villain was now starting to grab and throw at the girls, who only just managed to dodge the largest pieces in time. Even as it was, a few of them had been hit by the rubble and at least one had been knocked out that Izuku could see, which meant that he didn't have time to go get a hero. He needed to engage the villain and distract him long enough that the victims who were still standing could drag the injured ones away.

If this fight didn't kill him, Eraserhead definitely would.

The villain screamed in rage again as he ran out of ammo and started lumbering toward the girls again, and Izuku knew he couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed his slingshot and loaded up a marble, shooting straight for the villain's center of mass. There was a quiet ting as it hit its mark, but the villain didn't even seem to notice. He must be wearing some sort of armor, but that couldn't be right because he wasn't even wearing a shirt...which meant his skin must be the armor. This fight just got a whole lot harder.

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