Chapter 101: Cavalry

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"I need Eraser's number!"

Katsuki ran a hand through his hair and shook his head in response to Uraraka's questioning glance as he held the phone to his ear, "Izuku, the second round is starting at literally any moment. Can't you get it yourself?"

"If I was still at home, I would." Izuku said. "But the wifi on the train is terrible and I need to stay on the move! He's your homeroom teacher, so you have his number for emergencies and stuff, right?"

"Yeah, I do, but..." He started, but Uraraka nudged him and he looked toward the stage to see Midnight already climbing the podium. "Shit, fine! I'll text it to you!"

"Thanks Kacchan! I..."

Katsuki hung up and shoved the phone in his pocket just as Midnight started talking, "Hello students! Are you ready for your next round of torture?"

Katsuki forced himself to pay attention. Sure, the nerd calling and demanding Eraserhead's number with zero explanation was super suspicious, but he didn't have the time to worry about that right now. He and Cheeks had another round to win.

"We've seen how capable you are of overcoming obstacles, but can you play well with others?" Midnight asked dramatically. "This next round is all about teamwork! If you don't have chemistry with your teammates in the cavalry battle, you'll be screwed!"

Midnight went over the rules and everything seemed pretty self explanatory. Teams of two to four, rider couldn't touch the ground, don't knock anybody over on purpose, steal all the points. Easy as pie! Except for then she explained the point values.

"And of course," Midnight grinned, "The ones at the top will suffer the most! First place winner of the obstacle course will be worth a whopping 10 million points!"

Katsuki heard a small squeak beside him and turned to see Uraraka looking more nauseous than usual. In hindsight, maybe he should have waited for Icyhot to pass before shoving Cheeks over the finish line, but oh well. Live and learn.

"Oi, Cheeks, calm down." Katsuki grabbed her shoulders. "You're gonna be just fine, alright? You're gonna make these guys regret underestimating you, alright?"

Uraraka took a deep breath and her eyes filled with enough determination to make Katsuki grin, "Yeah, I can do this! Plus Ultra!"

"Plus Ultra, bitch." Katsuki looked around, "Now which of these extras do we want on our team? Oh, yeah, definitely him."

He stalked off, shooting off a quick text to Izuku with Eraserhead's number as Uraraka followed behind him until they reached a group of blank-eyed hero students, "Oi! Eyebags! Let go of those dummies. You're with us!"

Shinso raised an eyebrow at him, "Why would I do that? Your girlfriend over there has a target on her back a mile wide."

Katsuki grinned, "That just means that it'll be even more impressive when we win. Plus, you're going underground, right? Being the rider'll draw way too much attention. But if we help her win..."

"Hey!" Uraraka put her hands on her hips. "I don't need your help!"

"Of course not, Cheeks," Katsuki said patiently, "But helping you win gives the two of us a discreet chance to shine. It's mutually beneficial."

Shinso hummed, "So what you're suggesting is that we let the spotlight hero take all the attention while we hide in her shadow, does that sound about right?"

Katsuki shrugged, "Pretty much. So? You in?"

Shinso sighed, "I don't actually have a choice, do I?"

"Nope!" Katsuki smirked and shoved monkey boy to knock him out of Shinso's quirk. "Now, come on, let's go get our rider."

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