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You walked out of class after you said you wanted to buy Jake some food. Then you saw Sunghoon who was carrying something in his hand, and walked towards the class.

"Maybe he wants to eat in class,"  you thought.

You walked towards the cafeteria and quickly bought the food because you're worried that the break time will be over soon.

"Thanks, just keep the change," you said, then walked off to class.

Before you go to class, suddenly you hear a conversation between Heeseung and his friend.

You quickly find a place to hide because you are curious about what they are talking about.

"What does she want from me? She always interferes with what I do," Heeseung said.

"Did he just talk about me?"  you thought.

"I don't know, dude. Maybe she wants to try to get your attention?" asked one of his friends, which made the others laugh.

"Hell no, why could I do such a useless thing?" you whispered to yourself.

Heeseung rolled his eyes. "Why did Y/N do that? She hates me so much," he said. But in fact, you don't really hate him.

"Do you like her? She looks pretty though," said one of his friends.

"I. Don't. Like. Her," he said. "Never." Then Heeseung left his friends.

You shrugged and walked to class.

"Strange. How can he not know I want to destroy his plan to make me fail?" you asked yourself.


"Jake, here! I bought the food," you said. But you saw Jake was joking with Sunghoon, and he was eating the food you thought was Sunghoon's.

You watch his face. "He looks... happy," you thought.

Quickly, you immediately meet them both. "Hey guys," you said. They both stared at you.

"Oh, hi Y/N. You finally came," Jake said. "Sunghoon gave me the food earlier. And you know what the food is?" he asked.

You just shook your head, not understanding. "W-what's the food?" you asked.

"My favorite food, fried chicken!" he said. Sunghoon smiled happily hearing that.

"Well, maybe you'll like the food I bought, just for you!" you said, then gave it to Jake.

Jake opened the lunchbox and frowned. You're getting a little nervous. "Is something wrong, Jake?"

Jake looked directly at you and shook his head. "There's nothing wrong with it," he said, then smiled.

"Then why don't you eat?"

Sunghoon chuckled. "Tsk, just be honest Jake. Just say that you don't like rice with tuna," he said. Jake immediately lowered his head.

"You do?"

"Sorry Y/N," Jake said. You, who feel guilty, tell Jake to stop apologizing.

"No Jake, it's completly fine. I don't think I know much about you, hehe," you said, laughing awkwardly.

Jake laughed too. "Yeah, it turns out that Sunghoon knows better about me," he said.

You who had been laughing immediately stopped. Didn't think Jake would say that to you.

"Of course. A friend should know everything his friend likes, right?" Sunghoon asked jokingly, then chuckles.

You forced a smile. "Of course," you said, flashing your fake smile.


Do you guys like rice with tuna? Because I do, but not that much :)

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