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The next day...

"So that's the result of our presentation. Thank you," Heeseung said. "Do any of you have any que--" Your question was interrupted because the bell for break time had rung.

"Okay, we're done with the presentation. You can take a break now," Ms. Kim said then she left the class. Several other students followed.

"Hey Y/N, let's go to the cafeteria," Sunghoon said. "Sure," you said. Then you saw Jake who was packing his book. You tugged at Jake's hand gently. "Let's go!"

In the middle of you guys eating, suddenly Heeseung came. "Hey." Sunghoon then looked at him. "Who are you talking to?" he asked.

"Her." Heeseung points at you. "It's about our project," he said then left. "I better go," you said then walked after Heeseung. Jake nods. "Don't forget to eat your food later!" he shouted. "I will!"


Heeseung takes you to the rooftop. "You said you want to talk about our project, right? You don't have to say it here."

"I was lying. I want to talk about something else."

You frown. "What is it?"

"About last night. Tell me," he paused, "about everything."

"I don't understand... what are you talking about?" you asked. "Don't act dumb, Y/N. I know you were teleporting last night."

You freeze right away. "H-how... how did you know?" you asked. "I saw it from my window," he answered.

"Who are you? What are you, Y/N?"

You sigh. "Listen, I know it's hard to believe, but actually I've died before," you paused, "I know right? It's crazy and weird for you to understand!!"

"It's okay. Tell me."

"I died a year ago. But I didn't go straight to heaven, nor hell. I instead live in a world between earth and heaven. It's because I've made a big mistake. Which is unforgivable. That's why I was given a task. To protect one boy and to keep him happy always. And that boy is Jake."

"Jake Sim?" he asked. And you nod.

"Yes. That's why I'm here. That's why I don't like seeing you bullied him. It's because I'm afraid I'll fail my task. I don't want to live there any longer. I've suffered enough, you know?"

Without you knowing, tears started to fall from your eyes. Until your cheeks are filled with tears.

Heeseung who saw you cry in shock. It was the first time he'd seen you cry. He thinks you're a tough person, but you're not. Heeseung doesn't know what to do now.

"W-why are you crying? D-don't cry," Heeseung said while wiping the tears on your cheeks with his hand. For God's sake, Heeseung honestly doesn't know what he's doing either. He only did what he thought was right.

But tears kept falling from your eyes. You yourself could also feel your cheeks getting hotter every second. You took a step back which made Heeseung stop wiping your tears.

"Sorry, I was just getting emotional," you said with your watery red eyes and wet hot cheeks.

"It's okay. It must be hard for you, I know," Heeseung replied. Then he took something out of his pocket. "Here," he said then handed you his handkerchief. "To wipe your messy face."

You took it. "Thanks," you said. Heeseung just nods in response. "Now hurry go to the bathroom and clean your face. You look ugly," he said then leave you alone.

After that you go straight to the bathroom and start washing your face.


Break time is almost over so you run to the cafeteria and sit in your place. Then want to continue eating your food until it runs out. Without you knowing it, Jake looked into your face. "Something's wrong, Y/N?" he asked.

"Nothing," you said then smiled. "I'm so hungry. Let me eat my lunch. I'll follow you to class later."

"Okay," Jake said. Then he and Sunghoon walk to the class.


i know this chapter is super weirddd jdhchehche

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