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When you were heading towards the sound source, your friend Amy startled you. "Y/N! Where do you think you're going?" she asked. "J-Jake. I n-need to see him," you answered. "Please, Amy. Let me go!" You pushed Amy but she won't let you go.

"Y/N... don't you remember the rules?" she asked. "Yes. Yes of course I know. I can only leave this world if I have made him happy," you said, "but he is not happy now! He is crying, because of me!" Amy's face suddenly became guilty. "Oh no, I messed up," she said. "Y/N, sorry because maybe... I forgot to tell you one more rule..."

"What rule, Amy? What is it?" you asked desperately. "Actually, if the person given the task has a serious accident, that person is forced to return to their world again," Amy said, "you're going to live in that world again, and wait until you get your new task. So... you know, you can get to heaven." You finally shed your tears that are getting heavier and heavier.

You can't imagine leaving the person who has made you the happiest while living in this world. People who always accompany you, help you, and always support you.

Jake is the person you adore the most in this world. He is everything to you. He is your friend, best friend, and also the love of your life.

Why do you have to leave him now? Like it or not, you have to do what Amy said. "Okay, but I want to do something before I leave this world," you said, "can I see him for the last time?"

"Please, Amy. I need to talk to him for the last time, I... I miss him, Amy. Please, I beg you."

Amy sighed. "Okay, you can see him. But only for a few minutes. Because your time is very limited. Understand?" You nod. "Thanks, Amy. Thanks a lot..."


"Uh... hey, Jake," Heeseung said. "Y-yeah?" Jake replied. "I want to say sorry for everything. I'm sorry for what I've done to you. Y/N told me everything. It wasn't your fault at all. It was mine. I've messed up. I know sorry isn't enough, but... this is all I can do right now," Heeseung explained.

"It doesn't matter now, Hee. I forgive you," is all Jake could say. Jake thinks of nothing but you. He and Heeseung have been waiting for you to wake up for several days. Jake held your hand tightly, he prayed that you would come to your senses and recover quickly.

"She really loves you, Jake." Heeseung's words made Jake a little surprised. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Y/N... she loves you wholeheartedly. I can see it in her eyes when she looked at you. The affection that is plastered on her face every time you are with her. So I beg you, when Y/N wakes up later, please take care of her. Love her as much as she loves you."

"Heeseung... do you perharps like Y/N?" Jake asked. At first, Heeseung didn't know what to answer, but then he says, "I used to like her. But I knew she will never had the same feeling as me, so I stopped. I stopped liking her. She was meant to be with you, Jake."

Heeseung sighed. "I'm thirsty, let me buy a drink first, okay?" he said then left the room.

Jake rubbed your hand gently. "So you also love me? I thought our relationship is only as co-workers," he said then chuckles.

Jake stared at your face for a long time and gently stroked your head. "Come on, Y/N... don't you miss me? If you really love me then wake up. I miss you so bad." After saying that Jake kisses your forehead long enough, lovingly.

He sighed, then sit back down in his chair, still holding your hand tightly. Not long after, Jake feels your hand moving. Then you groan. "Y/N?" Jake was shocked. "Oh my God Y/N, you really are awake. Thank God!"

"Wait a minute, okay? I'll call the doctor to check you further!" Jake then rushed to leave. But you held him back, "Wait... Jake." Your voice is so hoarse. You haven't had any water in days so your throat is dry which makes it hard for you to speak.

"Don't worry Y/N, I'll be right back," he said then leave the room. Because you weren't strong enough to scream, you finally took a piece of paper and a pencil that was on the small table next to your bed and wrote something for Jake.


"Doctor! She's awake! Room number 258! Please hurry," Jake said. Jake and the doctor, along with the nurse, immediately rushed to your room. But when Jake opens the door to your room...

"What the heck is going on...?" Jake asked, totally confused. "Y/N, where are you?!" Jake shouted.

You're gone. The bed looks tidy, and suddenly the room is neatly arranged as if it had just been cleaned. What did happen to you?

"No... you've got to be kidding me. D-doctor... tell me, do you see her? Did she changed room?" Jake asked in frustration.

"Kid, I think you have the wrong room, as no one has been admitted to this room for the past 24 hours," the doctor said. "What are you talking about? There was clearly a patient who had been hospitalized here for several days called Y/N. Did you guys forget?" Jake asked the doctor with anger.

"Kid, we have never taken care of a person here called Y/N. So please, do not joke around because I still have a lot of work to do." After that the doctor and nurse left Jake alone in the room you previously occupied.

"This can't be happening... why, Y/N? Why did you leave me so fast?"

Jake's eyes were suddenly glued to a piece of paper that lay on the small table next to the bed. Jake quickly took it and read the contents of the paper.


It's Sunghoon. He's the one who caused all of this. I'm sorry Jake, but my time here is up. I have to go back to where I came from. Thank you for everything.

Love, Y/N.

"No... it can't be happening! No way!" Jake shouted. "Yo bro, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you shouting?" Heeseung came out of nowhere.

"Can you see her?" Jake asked. "Her who... wait, where's Y/N?" Heeseung asked. "Her time is up, Hee. She's gone," Jake ansewered weakly. Tears start running down from his face.

"I-I can't believe it..." It's all Heeseung could say. "Don't worry, she will be okay... wherever she is now."

Jake didn't hear what his friend was saying and immediately ran outside, leaving Heeseung frozen and speechless.

Jake ran out of the hospital while crying. He didn't care about what people would think when they saw him like that. He doesn't think about anything but you. Jake wants to see you, he needs to see you.

Running too fast, Jake accidentally bumped into an old man. "Oh, I-I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to," Jake said. "It's okay, son. Oh, are you crying? What happened to you?" the old man asked sympathetically while giving Jake some tissues to wipe his tears.

Jake was still sobbing until he finally managed to answer. "I lost her..." he said. "Oh...? Who is she, my son?" the old man asked.

"She's the one who made me happy all the time, the one who brightened up my days, the one who cheered me when I was sad, the one who took care of me all the time," Jake paused.

"She's Y/N, the love of my life, and my very first love."


one of my readers posted a message on my profile and it gave me more motivation to continue writing this book, so i wanna say thank you :)

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