Chapter. 1

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It was quiet. It hurt to breathe, to think, to feel. Your chest convulsed as you desperately gasped for air. Light from above was shrouded by kelp as you sun deeper, and deeper. The sun's light felt so faint. With each failed breath, with each pained gasp, your eyes shut. You tried to keep them open, even if the salty water stung your eyes. Even if it was dark. It got harder to gasp, harder to writhe against the seaweed that only helped drag you deeper. The only thing left for you to do, was accept it.

You didn't want to. You wanted to fight back. To crawl back to the surface and rise out of the water, victorious. But you couldn't. It was a painful realization, or it would've been, if you had even felt it. Your eyes relaxed as they shut, the feeling in your legs and arms near nonexistent. You felt almost ok. Almost. You hoped someone back home would remember you. Maybe your parents. Or siblings. Or even just your friends. Your senses began to fade, as if a curtain was finally closed.


You felt hands grip tightly at your torso, your senses being ripped back to reality, the stab wound through your stomach flaring up in agonizing pain. You wanted to scream, you opened your mouth, there was only water. You tried to cough, more water. This had to be purgatory.

It had to be.


"Ranboo, I can assure you, there is nothing to fear down in the depths, ok?" Phil reassured. Ranboo shifted uneasily, only his feet in the cold water.

"Are you sure? I mean, there are sharks, and giant whales, and a bunch of other big creatures that could-"

"Ranboo." Phil cut the younger off. "You'll be in shallow water with me. I don't think you need to worry about sharks, or giant whales. Besides, most whales are harmless." Philza pat the boy on the shoulder with a fatherly smile. Ranboo let out an exasperated sigh.

"I guess you're right."

"I am right. Sometimes you just have to trust the 'old wise man.'" Phil remarked with a smirk, quoting Tommy from a few hours ago. Ranboo shuffled awkwardly into the water, his hands wrapped around his slender frame.

"Hey, uhm, Phil?" Ranboo looked back at the older, blonde-haired man.


"Is the water supposed to be this dark? I don't know, it just looks darker over there." Ranboo stressed, leaning slightly to try to look at the clouded patch of water. It seemed almost out of place compared to the rest of the beach.

"It's probably just kelp mate."

"It doesn't look like kelp. I don't want to touch it." Ranboo quickly backed out of the water as the waves tried to push the dark patch closer. Phil sighed and waded in, reaching into the water.

Phil grabbed it and pulled it out.

"HOLY SHIT." Phil dropped the clump of hair, bits of bloody scalp still connecting the strands of hair.

"Why are we yelling what was it? Are we going to die? What's happening?" Ranboo grew stressed, stepping back on the sandy beach, away from the waves.

"Shit that was a part of someone's scalp, Ranboo."

"WHAT?" Ranboo exclaimed, his brows furrowed in concern. "Is there- Is there a person IN THE WATER??"

"I mean, maybe? It- It honestly seemed still; fresh I guess is the best word."

"Stop, I'm going to be sick." Ranboo waddled away, a long arm over his stomach as he stayed on the beach.

"Wait here then while I uh, check." Phil sighed, eyes narrowing down at the water, easing himself down into the cold sea taking a deep breath before plunging in the depths.


You groaned. Everything felt sore. Your eyes opened. You could only see through one. You briefly panicked and reached up, before you felt bandages over half of your head. You pushed your arms behind you, sitting up with a small wince as you were reminded of the stab wound through your torso. You looked down, seeing your chest and torso covered in bandages. Looking around only brought more confusion.

The room was nice, empty as it seemed. You were laid on a twin-sized bed, adorned with red plaid blankets. A window to you right, and a nightstand to your left. Further into the room, you could see the door, a closet, and a rocking chair. Focusing on the nightstand, sat a lamp, a bottle of pills–of which you grimaced at–and a few rolls of bandages. You threw the blanket off of your lower body. 'At least someone gave me comfy pants.' You sighed to yourself as you slowly moved to sit on the side of the bed. With a short whine and a handful of determination, your feet touched the carpeted floor. Your knees nearly buckled under your body as you took a step forward. Your legs shook and you moved back to lean on the bed.

'This is stupid.'

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