~Chapt. 13~

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(No daily quote)


(S/t)-Skin Tone

(S/te)-Skin Texture

(H/l)-Hair Length

(H/c)-Hair Color

(E/c)-Eye Color

(F/c)-Favorite Color

(S/f/c)-Second Favorite Color

(More will be added when needed)


You and Tubbo stayed hugging on the ground for a bit, swaying him in your arms. "You said you wanted to see Ranboo right?" Tubbo spoke up and left your hold to sit in front of you. "Mhm." You nodded. "Well, I think last time I saw him he was going with Wilbur to a place called Las Nevadas." He sighed, a small sad look grazed his eyes before he looked back up to meet your e/c eyes. "I- can take you there if you need. After all, I work there!" He hummed. "Nice. Looks like Tubs got a job." You ruffled his hair as he stood up, giving you his hand to pull you up as well. With the help of Tubbo, you lifted off the ground and followed Tubbo who immediately began running to a nearby portal. "Jeez Tubs! Hold on!" You panted as you were halfway to the portal. "HURRY UP!" He shouted, hopping from foot to foot like an excited 6 year old. You eventually sprinted your way to the portal as Tubbo disappeared into the purple waves, following shortly after. Both you and Tubbo walked together on the man-made path that traveled it's way around the Nether. You let Tubbo tell stories and catch you up on what had happened. "Oh! That's the portal!" Tubbo stopped his story and began running to a portal surrounded by fancy stone walls. You began sprinting next to him, making it to the portal before him, surprisingly. "Hah! First!" You laughed as you blew the white tuft of hair out of your face. Tubbo's smile faltered a bit seeing the white streak but it quickly disappeared. He laughed with you and both of you stepped into the portal, letting the purple waves envelope you in a hug. You stepped back out as the world around you slowly distorted back to the overworld. As soon as you stepped out Tubbo grabbed your hand and dragged you through an entire.. City? It surely looked like a city but way smaller. The most notable building was a very large, white building. Looked like a really fancy hotel or a casino.

Tubbo stopped on one of the sand covered hills, making you stop as well. He unlatched his hand and slid his way down the hill, his normally bubbly smile faded into a more serious one. He motioned for you to follow and follow you did. You could now see what Tubbo was going for, a quite nice looking van supposedly selling something. From what you could smell, burgers. You could see two figures chatting and scurrying around the van, occasional shouts of frustration could be heard but by an unknown voice. Tubbo held his hand up, blocking you from going closer. He mouthed 'Stay' to you before walking his way up to the van. "I TO- oh! Hello, Tubbo." The unknown voice said. You couldn't really see from your spot under the trees but you could definitely hear them now. "Hey, I was wondering if.. It would be allowed for somebody to meet up with.. Ranboo. Maybe as soon as possible?" Tubbo seemed nervous or uneasy or just plainly uncomfortable. "Hmm... I dunno Tubbo. Who is this 'somebody'?" You could hear the ruffling of clothes and a few frustrated mumbles from inside the van. "It's somebody Ranboo hasn't seen in a very long time. Somebody very important to me and him. So, can I bring them here to meet back up with him?" You could hear Tubbo tap his hoof on the ground out of frustration, venom starting to seep into his voice. "Fine. When?" The voice stood up from what you heard and was now matching tones with Tubbo. "As soon as we possibly can." You could just barely see Tubbo's face but he looked like he was glaring daggers into the van. "Well why not now!" The voice exclaimed, clapping their hands together. He made it seem like he wasn't in the presence of a very angry goat man. "Fine." Tubbo snorted and walked to the tree you were under, reaching out a hand, a now sympathetic look in his eyes. You took his hand, he carefully pulled you out from underneath and lifted you up, narrowly avoiding your torn wings. Now you could clearly see where the voice was coming from, a tall man with a brown coat and a sweater underneath. He wore circle glasses and he too, had a whie streak in his hair. He looked at you slightly amused. "Well, surely I wasn't expecting this.." He mumbled but you still heard him.

"Ranboo, we- you have some visitation." He spoke off to the side, out of view from the window. "Okay, twoooo seconds.." Ranboo replied, probably cleaning or cooking. From what Tubbo had said earlier he had become quite the cook. You shifted on your feet, watching as the man in the van started to step out, pushing a button and keeping the door open until Ranboo hung up an apron and made his way out, saying a small thank you to the man for holding the door open. The man stepped out soon after, lighting a cigarette and moving behind the van. "Okay! I'm here...now...Y- Y/n?" He first spoke enthusiastically until seeing you. He hadn't seen you in so long. "In the flesh." You chuckled, tucking your hands in your pockets. "N-no I- I'm dreaming right?" He scratched at his wrist as Tubbo became slightly irritated. Tubbo walked over to the taller, grabbing his wrists and pulling his hands away from each other and making him bend down to Tubbo's height. Tubbo stared silent daggers at him, both of them having a whisper conversation, not loud enough for you to hear. Tubbo let go of Ranboo with a huff and he looked back at you. Tubbo patted your shoulder as he stood next to you again. "I-..." Ranboo couldn't finish his sentence before tumbling into you, causing you to fall to the ground with him on top of you. You had landed right on top of your wings. Of course you winced a bit but damn, this hurt, a lot. You hugged him as he struggled to not cry, seen as that would burn him. "It's alright..I'm here now. I don't plan on leaving for a while." You stared at your wrist and at the three glitched out lines. 'What did Tommy do..?'

(Hah I'm back bebe! I finally have a sh!t ton of inspiration which is kinda irronic seen as schools starting in 2 days and I'm terrified. But hey! I may be making ANOTHER book. Am i working on 3 book at once? Yes, Yes I am. Do I regret anything? Nope. Anyways, Drink, Eat and Take care of yourselves for me. Love yall. Byee. Signing off at 1184 words.)

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