~Chapt. 5~

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Daily Quote: "I don't fear death, death fears me." -Ranboo, 2021

(S/t)-Skin Tone

(S/te)-Skin Texture

(H/l)-Hair Length

(H/c)-Hair Color

(E/c)-Eye Color

(F/c)-Favorite Color

(S/f/c)-Second Favorite Color

(More will be added when needed)


You woke up to the sun blaring through your window, causing you to groan and roll yourself over. After a few minutes of trying, but failing, to go back to sleep, you decided to get up. You yanked one of the smaller f/c blankets off the bed and draped it around your shoulders like a cape. Kicking open your door, you groggily walked down the hall, down the stairs, past Phil and Techno who just watched you, and into the flower field where you laid face down, with the blanket on top of your small figure. "Hey Y/n. Still tired?" Techno spoke softly as he made his way to sit next to you. "Mmmhhmmmm.." You replied, your face still stuffed into the ground. "Well, not time to be tired today. We're going on our 'Family Roadtrip.'" Your eyes widened. "Wait, really?" You threw the blanket off of your and climbed onto Techno's back. "Yes, jeez lil gremlin." You smiled widely, bouncing a bit. "Imma Gremlin!" Techno huffed a laugh, picking you up and beginning to walk back inside. "Yeah, yeah you are kid." Phil and Ranboo were both on the couch, Phil trying to start a conversation but Ranboo groggily answered with grunts and groans. "Tech." You whispered. "Yeaa?" "Take me to Ranboo's bedroom." You partially hide yourself behind Techno as he sets you down. "Hello Ranboo!" He chirps, pushing you into the hallway and waving his hand behind his back, telling you to go to his room. You nodded and ran down the hall as the three of them talked. You pushed open his door, his room was mainly blck and white things with a really weird carpet. You moved to the dresser and dug through a few draws before finding the Cassette player AND the Cassette tape. Grabbing both of them you put the tape in and ran back out to the living room, blaring the music next to Ranboo.

"TIME TO WAKE!! GET UP!" You yelled at him as he sunk further into the couch. "Cmooooon!" You prodded his arm, bouncing in place. "You said we could go on the trip." You whined, still prodding his arm but slower and less aggressively. You turned off the music, Ranboo really was tired and out of it. Dark eye bags hung under his eyes and his eyes, well they were basically devoid of all life. Tilting your head you pulled your arm back and laid your head on his lap, still looking up at him. He gave you a very tired and weak smile and put a hand on your h/l h/c hair, ruffling it a bit. "Are you sick?" You asked out of the blue, staring him down. He nodded slowly and sighed. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" You said, pulling up your head and putting a hand on his forehead, Phil and Techno were making light small talk and occasionally watching you and Ranboo. You hopped off the back of the couch and went to the kitchen. "Mmm soup. Soup. Soup!" You spoke, scanning the shelves before you say the can clearly labeled, 'S o u p.'

You grabbed the can and tried to read the back. "Hey mate, what are you doing?" Phil said, squatting down to your height. "Soup! It made me feel better, well, I mean, kinda." You held up the can to Phil who nodded and grabbed a pot from one of the shelves. "You wanna help? Techno called over a good friend of Ranboo's so we can still go out while he stays here." You bounced, excited to help and excited and nervous that you got to meet somebody else. "Yeah!" You nodded, bouncing over to Phil. "Okay, can you fill this cup with water from the sink?" He handed you a cup and took the can from your hands, you ran over to the sink and turned to nob, letting the water slowly fill the cup. Once it almost reached the top, you turned off the water and walked back to Phil, careful not to spill the water. "I did ittt." You dragged out to 'T' and handed Phil the cup carefully. "Alrighty, thank you." He smiled, dumping the water into the pot. "Stay here and if it boils over you come get us, I need to grab something." You nodded and eyed the pot carefully. Phil returned a few moments holding a chair. He set the chair down next to him and motioned for you to hop on the chair. You climbed on, looking at the pot's contents. There was water and noodles and little pieces of what you assumed, chicken. Phil stirred it a bit as you watched with awe. "You wanna stir kiddo?" He said, handing you the wooden spoon. Your face lit up as you carefully took the spoon and put it in the pot. As you stirred the heat wrapped around your hand, making it extremely warm. After a little bit of stirring Phil had grabbed a bowl and said that it was ready, in which you had to take the spoon to the sink to wash it later. When you got back Phil had a bowl, a glass of water and a spoon all neatly placed on a wooden tray. Phil had grabbed the tray, letting you trail behind him. Ranboo was laying on the couch with a blanket and pillows surrounding him, Techno in his chair on the other side of the room. "Boo! We made soup!" You yelled gently, getting on the floor in front of him. He smiled as warmly as he could, taking the tray from Phil and eating the soup. "How bout you get ready, alright kid?" Techno spoke up, he was already in a fancy white button up shirt and black pants. You nodded and ran off to your room.

-Time skip-

You had gotten into a f/c sweater and some s/f/c pants, deciding that that would be good enough. You grabbed a basket from the corner of your room that Techno had given you and ran out of your room. When you got back to the living room, a new person was there. They were a bit taller than you but still shorter than Techno, Phil and Ranboo. He had the hind legs of a goat and fluffy ears and ram-like horns. He had a large scar over the left side of his face that looked like a burn. His hair was pulled back into a bun but looked like it would drape over his eyes. He hadn't noticed you but kept glancing over to Ranboo who passed out after he ate the soup. You snuck around the couch and got a better look at the short man. "Yeah, I can take care of him, don't worry!" He chirped, putting his hands on his hips. "Okay great, we need to take Y/n out for a bit since we promised." Techno saw you on the ground near the couch and motioned you to come over to him. You pouted and stayed there. Techno sighed, walking away from Phil and the goat man and walked over to you and picked you up. "AcK- NooOoOooooOo" You whined, squirming as he put you on his shoulder. You soon gave up and just laid there limply like a sack of potatoes. You heard a small gast and was soon greeted by the face of the new person. "Are you a bee??" He spoke excitedly, his eyes shining. "Yeaas." You nodded as you spoke a distorted version of 'Yes.' "Ohhh I love bees!" He smiled widely. "I'm Tubbo!" He patted your head to which you shook your head and messed up your hair. He giggled before walking back over to Phil. You had readjusted yourself to sit on Techno's shoulder, taking in the height and trying not to look down.

(Between all of the chapters I have written 7,016 words. Jeez- anyways, have a good day, drink, eat, take care of yourself and stay alive! Signing off at 1388 words!)

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