~Chapt. 17~

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-( *GASP* Hi chat :D )-

“Y/N C’MON! WE GOTTA SHOW YOU SOMETHING!” Tubbo yelled, a few paces ahead of Y/n who was struggling to keep up. “WE’VE BEEN RUNNING… FOR 15 MINUTES TUBBO!” Tubbo slowed down a bit as Tommy continued to run towards a tree standing alone in a field. “C’mooooon” Tubbo yanked Y/n’s arm and took off again. 

-Mini Timeskip-

Y/n fell face first into the orange grass, exhausted. Tubbo had begun working on a path leading back to the house, after Y/n told him that it wouldn’t be hard to get lost along the way. Tommy had gone with him, leaving Y/n at the base of the tree. Tommy told Y/n to carve their initials into the tree, to make sure no matter what they wouldn’t forget their best friends. So Y/n took their pocket knife and scribbled their name into the tree, adding a few hearts around as well. The sun had begun to set, allowing a few early enderman to pop up. Y/n looked at the enderman, who chirped a happy noise that sounded like a “hello.” “Uh, hi!” Y/n waved, still not making eye contact with the tall figure. “whAt’s uP?” “Oh just waiting for friends to come back.” Y/n replied simply. Y/n saw the ender’s gaze turn to the carving on the tree. “GoAt aNd boY?” “Yup.” “hOuse.” The ender set dropped a grass block to Y/n before teleporting farther up the path. Y/n took the grass block and got up, beginning to follow the enderman. Everytime Y/n caught up with the enderman, it teleported farther up the path and waited. A few mobs watched as they walked down the torched path. A few more teleports and the enderman teleported on the doorstep of the cottage. Y/n walked up, expecting the enderman to disappear but it instead handed them an eye of ender and opened the door for them. Y/n was taken back and stepped in. The enderman closed the door and disappeared. Y/n quickly looked in their inventory, seeing the knife, a few pieces of food, the grass block and the eye of ender. “What was that?” Technoblade snapped Y/n out of their thoughts as he pointed in the bag from over Y/n shoulder. “Uh, a grass block and an eye of ender?” Y/n took the two items into their hands, holding them out for Techno to see as well. “Weird. Oh well, Phil made dinner. He assumed Tubbo and Tommy would’ve taken you back with them. It might be a little cold.” Techno put a hand on Y/n’s head and began to lead them to the kitchen. “You know I know where the kitchen is right?” Y/n snarked. “Yeah but this is more fun seeing how short you are.” Techno huffed a laugh, separating his hand from Y/n’s head and sitting in one of the wooden dining chairs. “Well that was still completely uncalled for good sir.” Y/n dramatically sat down and stared at their plate for a moment.

“Tommy did something to this.” Y/n pushed the plate away. If y/n’s gaze could rot the food it would be nothing but a pile of trash. “What do you mean?” Techno eyed the plate then brought his gaze to y/n’s face, devoid of any and all signs of a joke. “I don’t know how or why I know I just.. He did something.” Y/n pulled the plate back, stabbing the fork lightly through the food before poking into something hard. Scraping the food away they saw a small, not edible, rock. In their food. “Tooooold you.” Y/n mocked. “I- Are you- Magic?” Flicking the rock away and scanning the rest of their meal they began eating when the coast was clear. Y/n ate quickly, wanting to give Tommy shit about how his little prank didn’t work. They put their plate in the sink and hurried upstairs. “AY TOMS!” Y/n harshly knocked on his door with no ill intent towards the boy. “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?” Tommy exaggerated the word quite a bit, like he knew what he was doing. “Wanna explain the lil rock I found in my food?” Y/n heard a snicker behind the door. “No, I don't think I want to.” Tommy sneered. “Yeah sure.” Y/n reached for the handle, though stopping to stare at the claws and black skin starting to form on their hands. In a panic Y/n started running, no, sprinting down the stairs. “TECHNO WHAT WAS IN THAT XD FORSAKEN FOOD?” Y/n shouted from down the hall, running a bit slower than before. They skidded to a halt in the doorway where Techno was washing dishes. “Nothing out of the ordinary. Why?” He asked, not taking his gaze off the dishes. “Some- someth⟟ng ⟟s h⏃pp⟒n⟟ng-” Y/n’s voice was starting to break apart and turn into a forein one. The black patch on their hand had spread up their arm and had reached their neck. Techno looked up at the sound of Y/n’s breaking voice only to be met with an almost 9 ft tall, enderman with a few yellow splotches. (cause like, bee) “P- Pl⟒⏃s⟒.. H⟒lp-?” Their voice began to break more as the black spread to their other arm. Their right hand had turned into a large clawed one and their clothes barely fit them. The last things y/n heard was a loud scream, breaking glass, and the sound of an enderman being hurt.

HIHIHIHIHI I'M BACK IK- I'm probably gonna make the last chapter aNgStY. Like, major charactor death angsty. Also again sorry for the wait I lost motivation and ya know. LIFE SUCKS BUT WE GOTTA KEEP GOIN. Enjoy tho~ (also yeah if you feel the need to talk to someone about stuff that's happening in your life I'm always here.(I might respond late cause laptop is sucky))

WORDS: 1009

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