~Chapt. 7~

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Daily Quote: "Oh nO, tHeY hAd SeGgS On The CrAfTiNG TabELl" -Tubbo, 2020


(S/t)-Skin Tone

(S/te)-Skin Texture

(H/l)-Hair Length

(H/c)-Hair Color

(E/c)-Eye Color

(F/c)-Favorite Color

(S/f/c)-Second Favorite Color

(More will be added when needed)


You were once again, woken by the sun shining down directly on your face. You sat up, stretching your arms above your head and swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. You sat there for a few minutes, still trying to wake up. A crown, a loaf of bread and a glass of water were present on your bed stand. A note sat next to the crown. Reading the note, it said, “Hi y/n! It’s Tubbo! Techno and Phil said they had to go do something today so I’m going to stay here with you and Ranboo. Also you came back with a few things so I left them on your bed stand! -Tubbo.” You smiled at the note, a bit excited that you got to talk to Tubbo a bit more. Setting it down next to the crown you decided to get dressed, digging through the closet for something good to wear. A yellow and black striped sweater caught your eye, pulling it out and checking how big it would be on you. It was a bit big, reaching down to your knees but you really didn’t care. In your eyes, the bigger the better. You pulled the sweater on and grabbed a pair of shorts that were your size. You did your daily exit and kicked open your day and started the trek downstairs. Ranboo had slept on the couch all night from what you could tell, Tubbo sleeping on the chair next to the fireplace that you always thought was Techno’s. Tubbo was still asleep, Ranboo turning every so often and mumbling in his sleep. Deciding to let the two sleep you snuck out the front door, closing it quietly and heading to the back yard. You walked your way up one of the small hills, sitting down in the mix of wildflowers that swayed in the gentle morning breeze. You sat there for what felt like mere minutes before you heard your name being called.

“Y/N? YOU OUT HERE?” Tubbo called from the house, scanning the field before meeting gazes with you. He smiled and began trotting over to you on the hill, sitting himself down alongside you. “Do you know what Phil and Tech had to do?” You asked him, tilting your head a bit and looking at him, his fluffy brown hair down and covering his eyes. “Mm, no I don’t think they said.” He said, biting his lip a bit. You picked one of the flowers, holding it for a bit before laying back in the grass, staring up into the endless pale blue sky. Tubbo and you sat in silence for a bit, you made a flower crown while Tubbo occasionally rambling about things, both of you enjoying each other's presence. Ranboo watched both of you from the window, smiling at the sight of his two of his favorite people getting along. You wove white flowers into a circle, picking small leaves off of the ground and weaving them in. “Here!” You said, suddenly getting up and putting the finished flower crown on his head. He smiled warmly at you, tears pricking at the edge of his eyes. “Oh- oh no did I do something wrong?” You said, sitting on your knees in front of him with a worried expression plastered on your face. “No! You're just too precious.” He said, engulfing you in a big hug, to which you returned. Both of you stayed hugging until Ranboo wobbled up the hill. “No hugs can happen without me!” He laughed, falling into both Tubbo’s and your arms. “That's because you're sick Boo.” Tubbo replied, flicking his forehead. “Cmon, let's get you inside.” Tubbo spoke, holding up Ranboo who was significantly taller than himself. Ranboo groggily obliged, slowly stumbling down the hill with Tubbo supporting him. You took the opportunity to grab an Allium and place it on top of the bee box before grabbing some flowers for yourself and running after the two. You caught up shortly after they had entered the house. Tubbo was setting Ranboo up on the couch by covering him in blankets and pillows while you nibbled on a Peony. (I know they're not in game but they're still a flower)

“Why- why are you eating a flower?” Tubbo asked, staring you down while still wrapping a blanket around Ranboo’s head and shoulders. “Bee.” You shoved the rest of the flower in your mouth and turned away to throw away the stem, leaving a confused Tuboo behind. “Huh?” “Their a bee Tubbo.. And what do bees eat?” An immediate look of realization crossed his face. “OHH! That makes sense now.” He smiled and admired his work. If you hadn’t known better you would have thought Ranboo was just a floating head. “You done now Tubs?” Ranboo said grogilly, laying his head down on one of the pillows next to his face. “Yup!” He beamed and went to light the fire. You hopped yourself onto Techno’s chair and watched as Tubbo lit the fire using a small match and some old, useless papers that usually sat on the balcony(?) of the fireplace. Tubbo sat back up as a small flame rose from the pile of wood and paper, lighting up the usually dark and ash-y fireplace. “Now, scoot over bossman.” Tubbo said to Ranboo, standing right smack in front of him with his hands proudly on his hips. “Tubbo..” “Ranboo.” “I physically cannot move.” Ranboo sighed. “Fine, I’ll make room.” Tubbo hopped onto the couch, walking on his knees and pushing Ranboo bit by bit till he had enough room. Tubbo sat and grabbed one of the big books on the coffee table while Ranboo was slowly dozing off on Tubbo’s shoulder. You began to get off of Techno’s chair and walk to the couch where Tubbo and Ranboo sat, Tubbo still nose deep in the book. (We pretend he isn’t dyslexic here so shhh) You hopped onto the couch and curled up next to Tubbo who just smiled warmly and patted your head till you fell asleep. 

Stretching, you felt the slow rise and fall of breathing next to you. Opening your eyes, you saw Tubbo still asleep, the book in his hand and Ranboo slumped and sleeping on his shoulder. Ranboo looked a little better than the other day where he could barely talk, but he still looked really tired, even if he was asleep. Since Tubbo was asleep, you could look at the scar a bit more. It was obvious he was in an explosion of some sort, though only half of his face was scarred. Yet he seemed to be unaffected by it so at least he wasn’t in any sort of pain. Both Ranboo and Tubbo however, slightly mumbled in their sleep, whispering either unintelligible things or strange, unusual sentences. You squirmed your way away from the sleeping Tubbo and Ranboo, heading your way to the back yard to grab flowers. Opening and closing the door quietly you began the small trip to the back yard. It was a bit warmer today, seen as it was the middle of fall. Turning the corner of the house you expected to see the familiar field full of flowers and grasses, not a raging fire.

(Ayo! I'm starting the angst! Nobody can stop me. I'm sorry though in advance, I probably won't have any main charactors but not trying to spoil, just thinking out loud, maybe you lose your first life? I dunno, still planning. But, have a good day, drink,eat, take care of yourselves and do what you need to. ily all ALSO! I know not a whole lot of people read these book and such but I want to give Learza a shout out, go follow her on twitch, her user is Learza_yt and her channel name on youtube is just Learza so go follow her and watch her content! Alrighty, bye bye now! Signing off at 1379 words!)

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