~Chapt. 8~

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Daily Quote: "What the HELL is british chili?" -Ranboo, 2021


(S/t)-Skin Tone

(S/te)-Skin Texture

(H/l)-Hair Length

(H/c)-Hair Color

(E/c)-Eye Color

(F/c)-Favorite Color

(S/f/c)-Second Favorite Color

(More will be added when needed)


You began running back inside as fast as you could, tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to fall, the fire’s crackling could still be heard behind you. “TUBBO!! RANBOO WE HAVE TO LEAVE!” You screamed as you burst through the door and started shaking Tubbo and Ranboo awake, startling them. “Ack- What's wrong Y/n?!” Tubbo said, jolting up and waking Ranboo as well. “FIRE! PLEASE WE HAVE TO GO!” You screamed, the smoke slowly making its way into the house and flames beginning to scratch at the back of the house. “Alright, it’ll be okay. It’s all gonna be fine..” Ranboo said, picking you up and telling Tubbo to grab a few things such as food, clothes, water and some flowers. Everything in your mind was starting to get blurry as you began to panic in Ranboo’s arms. He tightened his hold on you as Tubbo returned with a backpack full of said materials. He was also holding your bee,crown and bandana from a few nights ago. “Here you go, it’ll all be fine..” He said, handing you your crown, which you put on, your bee which you clung to, and the bandana, which you tied to your neck. Ranboo and Tubbo began running out of the house, Ranboo holding you close, whispering supportive things as you cried quietly, gripping onto his shirt. Flames were already starting to surround and burn the house. You watched as the only home you could remember burned in orange red flames and ablack-grey smoke. Ranboo and Tubbo had slown down slightly, now at a trotting pace. Tears strained from your eyes, slower than before but still present, leaving small marks on your face.”Hey Y/n?” Tubbo spoke softly, causing Ranboo to stop as well. You tiredly looked at Tubbo, a look of sympathy present on his face. “We’re going to go to the market you went to the other day. Phil and Techno said to meet us there. They.. don’t know though.” He said, waiting for a reply from you. You nodded, pulling your head back down to Ranboo’s shirt, digging in your memory trying to remember the place you lived before Phil, Ranboo and Techno. Ranboo and Tubbo resumed their walk, entering through the purple waves and into the dark, warm and slightly unsettling place you now knew was, The Nether.

You tightened your grip on the bee plushie, realizing all of your bee friends, along with Barnibee, had probably all perished in the fire. Ranboo ran his fingers through your h/l h/c hair, soothing you a tad bit. Tubbo and Ranboo, with you in his arms, went through the arch, letting the purple waves surround you. You began to hear the familiar chatter and mumbling of the market you were at a few days ago, making you look up from Ranboo’s shirt to look around. A few stalls were replaced with different ones. The old music stand was now a weaponry and armory. And one of the burger shops was now a potion making stall. You scanned around the crowd a bit, looking for Tommy, Phil or Techno. Tubbo was the first to stod Phil. “Oh, PHIL!” Tubbo shouted and began running up to the older man, Ranboo following not far after. “I- hey Tubbo. Ranboo, are you feeling better? And.. Y/n why are you crying?” Phil asked as he walked up to Ranboo who was holding your crying figure in his arms. Phils voice and eyes were both laced in concern, Ranboo was the one who told Phil. “Uhm, sir, your house.. There was a fire and we had to leave. Honestly if Y/n hadn't warned and woken us up I think we would have been toast.” He made you sound like a hero, but all you had done was run inside after seeing some flames. “Wait, wait. So you're saying the house burned down?” Techno interjected, now a part of the whole group. Ranboo and Tubbo both nodded. You tapped Ranboo’s shoulder while Tubbo, Phil and Techno talked. “Yeah Y/n?” He said, his voice sweet and gentle. “Can you let me down now?” You whispered. You were a bit tired but more sad over the whole situation. He nodded in understanding and set you down on the path, soon joining the conversation and commenting or giving his ideas every so often. You took the opportunity to run off and look for Tommy, the crown still on your head, the bee still in your clutch and the bandana still wrapped loosely around your neck. After walking through the crowd of people you heard the familiar laughing of Tommy. You trotted towards the direction and before you knew it, you could see his fluffy blonde hair, his racoon tail and his small, round racoon ears. Knowing that was without a doubt him you ran up and hugged his legs from behind. “WH- Y/n?? Oh jeez, hey kid you alright?” He said, kneeling down to your level to be met with your almost sobbing figure. “Our.. house burnt down and..” You trailed off, remembering the smoke and the flames, and how close you were to them. “Hey.. hey kid it’s alright you don’t have to tell me.. Who are you with.. I’m sure they can help you.” He smiled a toothy grin, making you smile a bit as well. To be fair his smile was pretty contagious, you even bet it could make everyone in a room smile.

“There over there.” You said, pointing behind you and slightly to the right. “Alrighty, let's go see em then.” He said, taking your hand and walking in the general direction you pointed in. After a few moments you saw the familiar green and white striped bucket hat of Phil. You unhooked your hand from Tommy’s and ran to Phil, hugging him. He looked surprised at first but put his hand on your back for comfort. Techno, Ranboo and Tubbo noticed this and smiled slightly before continuing their discussion on where they were going to live now. You look out to Tommy who was standing awkwardly in the back. You ran off Phil and grabbed Tommy and gave him something you were working on since you met him. You grabbed his hand with yours and placed a yellow bandana in his hand, smiling weakly up at him. “Tommy?” Phil came up to the two of you, looking directly at Tommy. “Yup. In the flesh.” He boasted, putting his hands to his hips, making Phil chuckle. “Good to know you didn’t change.” He laughed and continued to talk to Tommy. You zoned out and stood there for a few seconds before going back over to Ranboo and Tubbo. You reached Ranboo’s legs and leaned up against them, your feet were getting tired and so were you. Ranboo picked you up and propped you up on his back, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. You slowly drifted off to sleep on Ranboo’s shoulder, turning up in a strange cave. You looked around confused before counting your fingers. You counted for a while before realizing this wasn’t normal. You sighed, trekking down farther into the cave. Small yet sturdy torches were perched on the sides of the crumbling cave. The cave came to an abrupt stop, two torches were placed in the center with strange symbols engraved into the stone below.







Upon reading the familiar symbols you woke with a jolt. Or, you thought you woke up. You were back at the mouth of the cave, but it seemed more overgrown and dark, like the torches had been doused with water. Looking behind you only resulted in a static nothingness behind you. Turning back into the cave you could see eyes of many colors watching as you walked down the dark tunnel that felt like it went on forever. Tripping over a few rocks resulted in you looking up, seeing more symbols as well as the same two torches that sat there before, still lit. This time, the symbols spelled something different, but unfortunately, you were woken up before you could read them.

[Translation: Some are not what they seem]

(Just a tad bit rushed but ya know, gotta start the angst some how! Anyways, if your wondering what the language I used was, it's Piglin! I know, theres more than just ender it's amazing. Anyways, drink water, eat food, do what you have to do and take care of yourself for me! Buh byee! Signing off at 1470 words.)(After published edit: ALSO! I forgot to add if you do get motivation to draw or you like drawing I encourage you to try and draw one of the scenes from this book! I like looking at others art or inspiring them or even helping people get inspiration! If you want to talk, be frineds or need anything my discord is A Human?#9783 . Now at 1538 words.)

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