~Chapt. 15~

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(Finally got the chapter out c:)

You walked back down the road, trying to avoid ‘Big Q’ at the same time. Before reaching the main square of Las Nevadas you took a turn to the nearby oak forest where the burger van was set up. On your way you swore you saw Ranboo sitting next to a river crying with.. bread on the ground? You shoved it off as just your imagination and kept walking to the van. In the distance you could see Wilbur leaning against the side of the van with his communicator in hand. You purposely navigated your feet to step on a nearby twig to gain his attention. His head snapped up, now staring at your figure. “Back so soon? Guess I really am that irresistible.” He smirked, pushing off the van and standing. “Only came back cause *I* wanted to.” You scoffed, setting yourself on the nearby table and holding your head. “You looked stressed.” “Yeah, thanks for pointing out the obvious.” You shot back. He threw his hands up in a fake surrender. “Jeez, just sayin.” He dropped his hands again and sat next to you. “So, why are you stressed? There has to be something on that mind of yours.” He said looking out into the forest. “I- you probably won’t understand..” You sighed, running your fingers through your h/l h/c hair. “Oh come onnn, it’s me. I can understand anything.” He teased, punching your shoulder lightly. “Fine, fine. I- heard things. Like, I was walking with Tubbo to the portal and then my head felt like it was tearing itself apart. I heard a loud ringing and then something along the lines of ‘You don’t know the power you hold’? Or something like that.. I just don’t know what that’s supposed to mean..” You rubbed your face with your hand, your head hurting just remembering what happened. “Well, do we have definite proof you're only a bee hybrid?” Wilbur stared at you from the corner of his eyes. “What do you mean Wil?” You scoffed. “Well, I knew somebody like you. Thought they were a fish hybrid for most of their life but they were something called an Ever-Changer. They stayed one thing for a while but with enough effort or randomly, they could change their appearance and powers. Even their personality and voice!” Wilbur beamed, a sly smile tugged at the edges of his mouth. “Well how would we know? How am I supposed to ‘change’?” You turned your head to stare at Wilbur. He shrugged. “Dunno, we’ll just have to wait and see.” “I hate you, so much.” You joked. “Yeah yeah, heard that one before.” He chuckled, causing you to chuckle as well. Both you and Wilbur chatted a bit on ideas for ‘changing.’ He suggested just imagining yourself changing which was honestly a good idea. “Hey, thanks for all the support talk an shit but I told Tubs that I’d be back before sunrise.” You nodded to the now rising sun. Wilbur hummed. “Alrighty then. Need anything or just wanna do a bit more chatting, I'm always here.” He saluted you as you stood up and of course, you saluted back, smiling. You walked down the road, farther away from Las Nevadas and Wilbur. You stopped at the portal, admiring the obsidian before stepping through the purple curtains. The purple warped your surroundings to the hell-ish place known as the Nether. 

You stepped back out of the portal, and into the plains. You could see the two ‘small’ houses in the distance, painted a beige by the setting sun. You began to walk, brainstorming ideas on what ‘could’ make you shift. Maybe, in a situation where you or a friend is in great peril? But where and when would there be peril? You live in the middle of fucking, no where. In a situation of great stress? Eh, why would you have a reason to stress? Before you realized it, you were standing in front of one of the houses. You could see a winged male pace around, supposedly cleaning up. Sighing, you mustered up the courage to knock on the door. “TWO SECONDS” An older voice rang from inside the cottage. ‘Definitely Phil..’ Soon the door was opened, showing a middle aged man with short blonde hair and grey wings. “Heya mate! How can I help you today? You lost?” ‘Great, he doesn't recognize me.’ “Uhm, no, but uh- ya know maybe this’ll be easier to tell you ‘inside.’” He was hesitant at first, but soon stood off to the side, allowing you to step in. The house was cozy. A fire was lit on the opposite wall, a nice fur rug and many, MANY bookshelves. There were two chairs, probably for him and Techno, and a couch resting dormant against the wall. You maneuvered your way to one of the chairs and sat down, pulling your legs up and crossing them. Phil sat down in the chair opposite to you, patiently waiting for you to start. “So..uhm, don’t know how to put this but..” You drew a long breath. “Tommy did something and now I’m back alive and yes before you ask I am Y/n.” You breathed out rather quickly, but Phil must have caught every word by the way his eyes widened. “Okay...so...why do you look so much older?” Really? That was his only question? “Time goes farther in ‘limbo’ apparently.” You rubbed your burned hand a bit, it didn’t hurt anymore but it was strange. “What's that?” He pointed to the burns on your hand. Thank god he didn’t see the rest of it. “Uhm, nothing! Just a small scratch.” You lied. It definitely wasn’t a small scratch. It was so much more. I told a heartbreaking story. “No. It’s not. Give me your arm.” He extended his hand, tilting forward in his seat so his other arm held him up from his knee. “I- no.” You pulled your arm closer. “Y/n. Arm. Now.” He stared. His eyes pierced into yours. Reluctantly, you pulled your arm to his hand, letting him roll up the sleeve. “Y/n.. what is this?” His voice was still extremely stern but was still laced with concern. ‘I told you, it’s nothing.” You hissed. His grip on your arm tightened a bit, as if he was afraid to lose you. Again. “What happened in there?” And that was your breaking point. Tears started to run down your face as Phil pulled your arm gently, letting you collide with him in a hug. Phil whispered small “It’s okay”’s and “You're okay.” You could hear people come in, did you care? No. You hadn’t cried in so long. You needed this. You wanted this. Soon enough you felt two other pairs of arms wrap around you as well. Soon enough your sobs subsided to mere sniffles and the arms let go. You pulled your face out of Phil’s chest, seeing Ranboo and Tubbo giving small smiles. Though you could see the worry laced in Ranboo’s eyes. You brought yourself up, using your knees for a bit of help. You walked yourself over to Ranboo and head-butt him. He chuckled as Phil went to the kitchen. “What was that for?” He ruffled your hair as he spoke. “Cause I can.” You then walked over to Tubbo. He instantly got the message and he smiled slyly. You head-butt Tubbo in the head to which your heads collide. And it hurt like hell. All three of you burst out laughing, Tubbo on the floor in shambles and you trying to keep yourself up with the arm rest. “What happened here?” Phil came back holding four hot chocolates. “Y/n- was head-butting- us.” Ranboo spoke between laughs. You gasped. “1, How dare you throw me under the bus. 2, HOT FUCKING CHOCOLATE!” You ran over to Phil grabbing one of the mugs. The mug had presumably a bird skull printed on it. You sat on the floor next to the fire, Ranboo sat with you and so did Tubbo, and Phil sat in one of the chairs, watching you laugh and joke around. He just wants to know what happened in there though.

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