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Monday, August 23rd


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    My destination was in sight. After a few days of flying the water tribe ships were in sight just a far distance from the shore covered in fog, it seems that the Gaang doesn't know that they are almost there. I perked up and rose a hand to cover the blazing sun from my face. There was a blinding grin as people slowly started to get bigger and their features became more noticeable. "Kaida!" Katara waved up at me as I circled them. 

    "Kaida's here?!" Toph cheered and I smiled as everyone rushed to where I was. Hyo landed and I slid off of him before the whole Gaang enveloped me in a huge group hug. Thankfully nothing looked wrong with any of them. Nothing besides Aang who had decided to shave his head again. 

    I put a hand on his bald head and a hand around Toph's shoulders, "what did I miss?" Ah, this is what I missed. These people were my family and my people. I don't want to be running errands for old men again in a long time. They looked at each other. 

    "Let's just say we missed you, again," Sokka said with his hands on his hips, an exhausted look on his face. So they had a bit of trouble? "And Hyo's gotten bigger," Sokka said looking up at my large dragon. Has he? I've been spending so much time with him I didn't even notice a change.

    The dragon poked my cheek with his snout, with a grin a gave him rubs, "that's probably the only thing that has changed with him." Poor Hyo was in his growing phase so he keeps getting itchy because he needs to shed his scales, just like all dragons. "I'm glad all of you made it here in one piece."

    "Me too." Toph sighed, she shook her head. What in the world happened to them? I would be grilling Katara later tonight. "Not to be a downer but now that everyone is here... What's our strategy for taking the Fire Nation down? Going to get your glow on," That was directed towards Aang, "and hit him with a little Avatar State action?"

    Aang look defeated, "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my 7th chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe." Raising a brow I wondered what that meant. 

   Toph shot back at him, "you know what I just? heard Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about Space." Biting my lip to hold back a laugh I looked away.

     "Is there any way to fix it?" My hands were up, "I'm not trying to rush you into doing something you don't want... but your avatar state is a really important... for a lack of better words, weapon in our army."

    Aang looked down at his feet, "no there is nothing I can do about it." He was definitely hiding something but with that look on his face, there was no room to push further. 

    "Oh no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Katara was looking into the distance and so my eyes followed hers. Sure enough on the water, there was a heavy fog coming out way.

    "No, that is the invasion." Sokka grinned ear to ear as 5 Water Tribe ships appearing out of the fog. 

    "We should go meet them-" But Sokka was already running down towards the water. When we got down there Toph made some docs with her earth bending so that the ships can come into the shore. Soon the ships were docked and Katara and Sokka running towards their father with Katara proceeding to embrace him. 

    "You made it Dad!" Katara shoved her face into her father's chest.

    "Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?"

The Little DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora