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Saturday June 27th


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The monster had a very simple, carved wooden mask on its face. But I couldn't get too caught up in its characteristics because it kept swinging its large vines at us. I yelped as I blasted myself into the air in order to avoid it. The vines reminded me of a time where Katara wasn't as good at bending. It seemed so long ago. I watched as all four of us stepped in all different directions.

The monster grabs Sokka as he runs away and begins flailing him around. I raised my hands to cover my mouth as I chuckled at the sight. Maybe I would wait just a bit before hopping in and stoping the swamp human thing. To my dismay, Aang turns and knocks Sokka out of the monster's grip with a blast of air. Sokka falls into the water with a yell. The monster then knocks Aang way back with a sweep of its arm.

Sokka cutting vines around him with his machete. To his right, the vines start rising out of the water. The vines attaching itself to the monster and rebuilding the right arm that Aang had damaged with his blast of air when he released Sokka. Was the human water bending? I looked to my dragon, "go up there." I pointed to a high branch, "I'll call you when I need you." I handed him Zuko's letter, I didn't want it to get wet. We were dealing with water, and I didn't want to take the chance of the water putting Hyo out.

The monster swings at Sokka and grabs him again, and Katara skates across the water in a graceful curve and fires a jet of water through the creature's left shoulder. The creature drops Sokka, a large hole in its left shoulder. Katara squares off against the creature as it fills the hole with more vines.

Katara moves around the monster as it swings a few times and misses. She sprays some water at it and then concentrates, building a large wave and washing the creature backwards. Sokka screams, as he is once again in the monster's clutches. I propelled myself forward and used my fire to take down the center of the monster. "Hiya!" I grunted as I shot my fire with enough force to move me higher into the sky.

When I fell into the knee-deep water, the swamp monster was already pulling up more vines to protect himself. Katara then parts the water between her and the monster. She runs down the dry earth in front of her, but the creature knocks her backward with vines that grow right out from its body.

Aang ran past me, returning to the fight. Katara sails the other way in the background, yelling as she goes. Aang turns back just in time to get smacked backward by another vine appendage. I looked at Sokka who seemed like he was about to be sick with all that movement. Then it places Sokka on its chest and begins to suck him in. Sokka struggles but is slowly drawn in.

"Let him go!" I shout as I sent a funnel of flames at the monster, cutting off the arm. I used my flames to propel me forward, catching Sokka in my arms mid-air. Though he was too much weight and we went falling down into the water.

Sokka got his footing before me and pulled me up by the armpit. "I hate water," I grumbled as water flowed past my face. I light my hand on fire only to see a dim flicker, my eye widen. Oh no, the water was weakening my power. I started to cough out the water I took in while I fell.

"There's someone in there! He's bending the vines!" Shouted Sokka pointing at the monster with his free hand patting my hunched over back. Katara twirls around in a bending move and slices the mask and the head of the monster with a mighty lash of the water whip. The head and mask fall into the water as a bunch of vines grab Katara. Sokka watches as Aang flies back into the picture and with a single blast of air blows away the rest of the monster to reveal a fat, leaf clad man.

The Little Dragonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن