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Wednesday, July 1st


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It was late at night and I changed out of my stupid training uniform. I didn't think of how important shoes were to me. Stepping on rocks with the wrong part of your feet is the single most painful thing in the world. I wiggled in my shoes as I walked into this cave. The second we entered we instantly heard the roar of the crowd.

It was an underground stadium, fitting for and Earth Bending competition. There was a wide rectangular arena and at the center of the arena it was dominated by a large stone circle with a square punched out of its center. In the background on the lift is a tower atop which the master of the games announces the matches. Around the rest of the arena are the stands. There is empty space all around the arena between it and the stands.

    "Hey, front row seats! I wonder why no one else is sitting here." We sit down and I look around us.

"Probably for a reason." I yelp in fear as a massive boulder slams into the seats right next to me. I jumped onto Sokka, and he switched seats with me so he was on the outside.

"I guess that's why." He leaned down and looked at everyone, "you guys okay?" There was a movement of nods. I open my robe a little bit to see Hyo inside.

"You okay?" I whisper and it let out a little mee in reply. I closed my dress cloak again, looking around to make sure nobody has seen.

A man suddenly earth bends a mighty explosion of rock and dirt at its center. A huge column of the earth begins to raise the man upwards. It stops rising. The man motions and the column collapse back to floor level. The mans face was strong, cruel, and mostly obscured by long, luxurious black hair. "Welcome to Earth Rumble 6! I am your host, Xin Fu!"

"This is just gonna be a bunch of guys chuckin' rocks at each other, isn't it?" I nodded my head at Katara's question. If it was anything like today's lesson, I must agree.

"That's all Earth Bending is. Trust me I learned first hand." I rubbed my stomach, the bruise still forming.

"That's what I paid for." Sokka said shaking both his hands with excitement. I shook my head with disbelief and I focus on the Rock-Announcer guy in the middle. I had already forgotten his name.

"The rules are simple. Just knock the other guy out of the ring and you win." I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes.

"Wake me up when this is over." I wish I brought my blanket, I can't believe I'm losing sleep for this. Hyo peaked out letting out a little noise again. I rose my hand and stroked his head.

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We were there for hours. I guess there was this meathead called the Boulder that Sokka is routing for. I didn't get it, but every time he won, Sokka would yell into my ear and wake me up. I can't believe I'm here right now.

"How about The Boulder? He's got some good moves." I peaked my eyes open, this is the first time in the last hour that the two of them talked. All I had been hearing is Sokka's cheers.

"I don't know. Bumi said I need a teacher who listens to the earth. He's just listening to his big muscles. What do you think, Sokka?" Aang said hesitently, that means not.

"Ha ha! Whoo!" Sokka cheered.

"How about you, Kaida?" Katara nudged me, and I sat up. I looked at the person in the arena. He was just a big guy with a big ego.

I shrugged, "I wouldn't put my money on someone like him." His fire was huge, his heat could power all the fires in the Fire Nation. I could not stand to have him be Aang's teacher. Partly because I would end myself.

"Next, The Boulder versus Fire Nation Man!" My attention was peaked until I saw who was walking across the stage. I groaned and hid my face. He was a small fat man that kept waving our flag.

"Boo! Boo!" Sokka booed but I pinched him in the side. "Hey!" He looked at me with a confused look. "What's that for?"

"That's my Nation!" I hissed, "some respect please." I said in a hushed voice. I didn't want the world to know that I was Fire Nation. I looked down to Hyo. He has been growing so well lately. I patted him on his head and he let out a squeal. Soon enough he will be the size of a real dragon.

I rubbed my nose his his, letting out a giggle, "you are doing so well!" I was raising him myself with my own fire. He let out another squeal.

"Before we knew it, Hyo was apart of the family." Aang reached over and rubbed the top of his head. Then we were drawn back to the stage.

"Please rise for Fire Nation national anthem. Fire Lord, my flame burns for thee!" Fire Nation Man started to sing and I started to experience second-hand embarrassment. I hid my face again and Sokka started to boo again, but this time I didn't stop him.

"Go back to the Fire Nation!" At least Sokka toned it down, he could have said something much worse. I leaned back and closed my eyes, unconcerned about what was happening. I'm here for Aang and Aang alone.

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Boulder versus your champion... The Blind Bandit!" We turned our heads to see a little girl with green eyes looking at the Boulder with a massive grin on her face. I leaned forward, a smile now back on mine.

"Now this is going to be good."

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(Short Chapter because Next Chapter is Long)
-side note: I officially been updating everyday for a month straight!

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