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Saturday June, 20th


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    "You are an idiot!" I shouted, my hands up in the air when I heard the news. "Do you realize how stupid that decision is?" I groaned falling flat onto Appa's back look up at the cloudless sky. It was such beautiful day today.

    "What happened?" Katara said running up to Appa. I was woken up by my nap to my fellow air nomad sending a wave of air at me. It seems that he wanted me to be the first one who hears the news.

     "I told the general I'd help him... by going into the Avatar state." Aang looked at Katara with a weary smile. "But Kaida doesn't agree."

    Katara climbed onto the back of Appa, "Aang, no. This is not the right way. Kaida's right."

    "This is where everyone ran off too." I heard Sokka grunt as he pulled himself into the saddle of Appa. I was still glaring at the sky. Did he not hear anything that I had said earlier? If he dies, we are screwed, he needs to cherish his well being more. "What was your decision Aang?" Sokka asked laying down next to me.

    I turned my head slightly and glared at him. "Why is she so grumpy," then he looked at Aang. "Oh..." He came to realization. "You said yes, didn't you?" Aang nodded his head, leaning on his staff for support. "Well then, Why not? Remember when he took out the Fire Navy? He was incredible."

    I burnt him slightly in the side which made him yelp, "bad, fire bending lady. Bad." He pointed a scolding finger at me and I let out a sigh, all my rage escaping me in the exhale. I closed my eyes in order to not cook Sokka like a steak.

    "There's a right way to do this. Practice, study, and discipline." I nodded my head, Katara was so smart sometimes. If she didn't get into his thick skull, then nobody would.

     "Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord." He used his hands to exaggerate.

    "If you two meatheads want to throw away everything we've worked for, fine. Go ahead and glow it up!" Katara blew up then she stormed away. I blasted myself to my feet.

    "I'm with Katara. This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. If you want to go get yourself killed and ruin our chances of winning this war. That's on you. I want nothing to do with it." I jumped off Appa and started following Katara to wherever she was going.

    "Guys," Aang started pleading, "I'm just being realistic. I don't have time to do this the right way."

    "Aang." I turned on my heels to face him one more time. "I don't know what he showed you to make you go against your friends but," I point to the wall around us. "People are dying, dying, to give you time. So that they don't lose the war. They will happily fight for longer in order to ensure the win of this war." He gave me a hurt look.

    "But people are dying." He looked down ashamed. I wasn't getting to him no matter what I said. I groaned and turned on my feet. Following Katara who waited for me to catch up.

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    That night I packed a backpack.  I looked up at the stars, "baba," I said my father's name. "Please give me the strength of a dragon to get through this." I clutched my hands together. I only spoke to my Baba when I become desperate for a solution that I can't find.

    Soon my tattoo started to glow, but this time it felt weird. I had never done this since I had left Baba eight years ago. I tried not to think of him because I was always filled with the feeling of overwhelming sadness and longing. Soon my Father was floating in front of me. He was here but there was something about him that was different. I reached out a hand to hug him, yet my hand went threw. I looked up devastated.

    "Kaida." I watched him smile. "You have grown to be very healthy and beautiful." I felt tears well up in my eyes but they didn't dare spillover.

    "Baba." I frowned, "I miss you," I looked to my hands, "so much." Then I looked up, "I need your help."

    He nodded, "I know," Baba looked deep into my eyes, "I heard that you are traveling with the avatar." His ghost red scales glowed in the moonlight. He looked around, taking in my surroundings. "You are a long way from home, Kaida." Little did he know I have been all over the world! I feel like I have seen so much, yet there was so much more to discover.

    "I wish you could be here with me." He gave me a knowing sad frown. I knew that he couldn't come. I changed the subject, "Baba I need your help. My friend is making a horrible choice, and he refuses to listen to me!"

    "I assume this friend of yours is the Avatar?" I nodded my head.

    I held out my hands, "he wants to fight the Fire Lord now." I shook my head, "But he only knows two elements. He doesn't stand a chance." I looked up at Baba who was deep in thought.

    "He doesn't," he said stuffily. I smiled, he understood where he was coming from, "but," I frowned, "at moments like these." He got close to my face, "where he is in the most danger, you must be by his side." He leaned back, "that is your role as his friend. To guide him when he is willing to listen, and to protect him when he doesn't."

    I sighed, "but he doesn't see my side. He's all holed up in his own opinion."

    "Maybe you should be the one to see his point of view. Maybe then it will make his stubbornness justifiable." He smiled, making my mouth open.

    "Why do I always have to take the high road." I huffed crossing my arms.

    "Kaida." I heard him huff before laughing. "A dragon always takes the high road." He came close again and placed his forehead against my own.

    I raised my hand and placed it on his snout, "when am I going to see you again?" I asked with a deep frown. He wasn't gone yet and I was already missing him.


    "Soon?" My eyes opened wide. He nodded his head. "When?" I said with a smile.

    "Soon." I frowned again. That wasn't specific at all. "Kaida, you should go to bed. You need your rest. Your journey isn't going to get any easier for a long time."

    "But that means saying goodbye to you."

    I watched him frown, "I've missed you very much." He admitted, "but you must protect the world, it is your job now." He protected the world with Avatar Roku under a different name, Fang, the name Avatar Roku gave him. That was before dragons were hunted and he was forced into hiding. After that he wanted nothing to do with humans, changing his name back to his birth name, Uruloki.

    "Baba." I raised my hands to hug him, "come here." He bends down so that his face was just in front of mine once more. I stood and just like he did to me earlier, I raised on my tippy toes and placed my forehead on his.

    "Goodbye, Kaida."

    "Goodbye, Baba." Then he disappeared in my hands, leaving me alone under the full moon. I turned back to the building where my friends were sleeping. "I'll protect them," I said to myself, slinging my run away backpack over my shoulder and returning to my bunk.

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The Little DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora