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Wednesday, March 9th


*There were a few errors: now they are gone!*

    It was peaceful flying over them, like the calm before the storm. The sky was peaceful 
The submarines hit the shore, revealing a team of caterpillar tanks. The tanks advance towards the capital as projectiles continue to be thrown at the submarines. The soldiers and warriors emit battle cries and rush out to attack pumping adrenaline into my blood.  

   I watched in awe as the Earth Kingdom soldiers moved their feet in a pushing motion to move the tanks. Then Sokka led a team of Water Tribe warriors. All of them are carrying weapons and shields. I needed to go and help now. 

    I can't be sitting here watching I need to go set Uncle Iroh free. "Hyo!" I pointed towards the tall iron tower in the distance. With a bob of his head, we were off flying with the wind. It didn't take us long to get to the top of the tower. 

     "Uncle!" I called out on the top of the tower, heading over towards the vent that I was all too familiar with. This roof gave me memories of all my struggles trying to lightning bend. I drop to my knees and pull at the bars as I did all those days ago. 

    "Kaida! You remembered! It's nice to see you again." He smiled and laughed, happy to see me.

    "Of course I did! I made a promise." I pull the bars out and reach down a hand to grab his. 

    "I know it is still nice to-" Iroh was cut off from a startling clang somewhere in the building.

     "Hold it right there!" One of the guards from the hall shout into the cell. 

     "Time to go!" I pulled him in with an, "umph". It was just in time because fire from the guards shot through the vent just as I pulled him out making me fall onto my backside. "Oh my gosh! That was too close," I said jumping up.

     "Hyo!" My dragon came running over and I lifted Uncle Iroh onto his backside. "Where are you going?" I didn't get time to answer that question because the guards were already funneling out of that little hole. 

    When I saw the first one I remembered these people were the ones that were abusive to uncle Iroh, I can't let that slide. "Forget it, you get out of here I'll take care of these people." I wave them off. It's better I take care of any fire bender here before they join their friends on the battlefield, anyways. 

    Hyo took off with a 'Mee' before Uncle Iroh could protest, though as they started flying away in the distance I could hear Iroh's diluted, "Be safe!" He probably didn't want to leave me behind but Hyo will listen to me above anyone and won't question my decisions. 

    "So, who wants to go first?" I grinned as my hands were covered in a white flame. I could nearly cry at the power at my fingertips. It was so good to be back, past the place I was before I got my powers taken away from me. 

    The first one shot their flames at me then all of a sudden the sky went dark. The flames on my hands slowly started to die. It was the eclipse. I let out a groan. "Really? Right when I was feeling good about myself!" I shouted at the sky.

    I guess I had to do this the hard way. There were five of them and one of me. My opponents drew out their swords, grinning from ear to ear. I wasn't horrible at hand to hand but without a weapon... I let out another groan. 

    One thing that I needed to do first was rush them. So I started running and the strongest-looking one stepped up to face me first. I snapped my hand up at his neck and took him down with one strike. I was always grateful for Ty Lee teaching me her amazing moves. I grabbed the other person's sword and I made it to the next one.

    Soon three of them were down in no time and the other two dropped their swords and raised their hands in the air, knowing that they had no chance against me. I chuckled at that and dropped my sword.

    With my arm outstretched with the palm up I signaled with my hand,  "Hand me your cuffs."


     After I had everything under control again, I smiled and waited in Iroh's cell for Hyo to come back for me. I played with my hand trying to see if my flame would light even though I know that it wouldn't. 

     Then I started to feel a familiar fire start to make its way up the steps knowing where he was going. I set out a sigh and leaned my head against the wall. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the last bit of silence I would get for a little while with the menace on his way. 

    He rounded the corner, "Uncle!" He shouted. Peeking one of my eyes open to see if it really was Zuko. Though maybe the move was to play dead so he would just leave me alone.

    "Kaida?" Mission play dead so he leaves: failed. 

    "Yes?" I looked in the opposite direction to where he was. I didn't want to talk to him right now. 

     "Kaida!" He shouted running up to me, he knelt at my side.

    "Don't touch me." I snapped my jaw scooting further away from him.

    "No Kaida, you don't understand! I'm on your side now!" He said, really happy to see me. 

    "Mhm." I just hummed out, praying that Hyo gets back soon, but his fire was not nearby, I still had a little while.

     "Really." He grabbed my hand gently, the one that is scarred from him. I ripped it away from him, putting it back in my lap. "Kaida." His face crumbled at my actions. Even though I wanted to say I didn't care I knew that I did. 

    "Why do you think you changed." I still kept my eyes away from him. I refused to look at my student. No, my previous student.

     "I realize, after living in the palace there is no happiness here."

    I cut him off, "you want to join us for your happiness?" I grimaced, the Gaang is not for the selfish. We are constantly risking our happiness for the greater good.

    "No not for me, for everyone. Everyone hates the Fire Nation because we are so hungry for power and war. We need to replace what we have now with an era of peace and kindness." His voice was soft. It truly seemed like he had changed.

    My brows raised then my features settled back into a neutral position. "I won't forgive you easily." Then I coughed, "They won't forgive you easily."

    "I know. I don't expect it to be easy." As he said that Hyo's heat came into range. I stood on my feet. 

    "Zuko. You are going to have to prove yourself to everyone, not just me. I will not help you with them." He was on his earning his reputation back amongst the group. "First thing you can do is help destroy the Fire Lord in this rebellion."

    I turned towards the vent and I pulled myself through it. I didn't wait to see if Zuko was following me. I already knew that he was. I watched as Hyo got closer and closer to the tower. 

    "About that Kaida..." Soon my flames were back in my blood, running through every vein. 

    "What?" I snapped my head at him. What else could he tell me? 

    "I don't think it was successful." Zuko shook his head sadly. 

    "What? Why? How do you know that?" My heart fell through my stomach. 

    He just pointed towards the palace and Appa flying off into the distance. "How does Appa flying off into the distance mean that we lost?" Hyo has now landed a distressed look on his face.

    My arms fell limply to my side, "no." Hyo placed his head against mine out of comfort. 

    "We have to follow them." I rubbed Hyo's head and jumped onto his back. Then I looked over to Zuko who didn't know if he was allowed on or not. "I will bring you with me. Though if you get rejected, you will find a way back here, understand?"

    He nodded his head vigorously, jumping onto Hyo's back. "I won't let you down!" He said confidently.

    "Sure." Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...

    Shame on me.

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