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Tuesday June, 9th


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   We must have been here for a solid hour, before the crazy woman shouted, "Here's what I was looking for! Plum blossom!"

    "Finally!" Aang and I cried together, but instantly we shut up because we realized how rude that was. Aang dove for the bowl in the Herbalist hands, "Thanks for all your help!"

     Instantly, the Herbalist gave Aang's hand a good slap on his wrist, making him let go of the bowl. "Hands off! What do you think you're doing?"

Aang looked like he was just slapped in the face. Even my eyes were as wide as dish plates, "taking the cure to my friends!" Aang defended himself.

    The Herbalist started laughing historically, "this isn't a cure, it's Miyuki's dinner!" She placed the bowl in front of her cat, before proceeding to stroke her animal. "Plum blossom is her favorite."

    "So, what about our friends?" I pressed, starting to get annoyed. They were much more important than someone's cat.

    "Well, all they need is some frozen wood frogs. There's plenty of them down in the valley swamp." She pointed her hand to the door. I let out a sigh of relief, at least there is a cure.

    "What am I supposed to do with frozen frogs?" Aang started walking towards the door, and so I followed him.

    "Why, suck on them of course!" She said with a laugh.

    Aang and I gasped together, "suck on them!?" We said in shock. I thanked my lucky stars that I wasn't sick. I didn't want to be sucking on any frogs. Thats an experience I could live without.

    "The frog's skin excretes a substance that'll cure your friends, but make sure you get plenty. Once those little critters thaw out, they're useless!" She said turning her back to us. I opened the door and was one step out when out of the blue Aang spoke.

    "You're insane aren't you?" Where in the world was that from?

    "Aang you can't just say that even though its tru-" I started to speak, but the Hedrbalist cut me off.

   "Thaaat's right." Then she turned back to her work once more. "Well, don't stand there all day." She whips her spoon at the both of us, luckly I was already out the door so I was out of the gunk splash zone from the spoon. Sadly, Aang wasn't so fortunate. "Go!"

    We didn't need her to say anymore, as we ran out of the building. We ran down to the stream where she said where the frogs would be. It was crazy to think that I was at this stream earlier, who knew it held the cure. "You go that way, and I'll go this way to find the most frogs, meet back here in ten." I pointed my finger down the stream.

    Aang nodded his head, "don't get caught by Fire Nation this time," he joked as he started to run up the stream. I turned and started to run downstream. Aang was now out of sighed so I sunk to my knee's on the river side.

    I dug my hand into the gunk before pulling out one of the frozen frogs. "If only Zuko could see me now," I laughed to myself as I started to shove them in my stomach. "He would be making fun of me."

    I think I had more than ten in my pockets. I patted them before walking back upstream to meet Aang. I sat there for a little while, and there was no signs of Aang showing up. Maybe he got lost.

    There was a yelp in the distance. My ears instantly perked up. I knew that voice. It was Aang. I stood from where I had gotten comfortable."I wouldn't move if I were you." A familiar voice said from in the tree's. Then their heats hit me, there were six of them. I looked to where each of them were, I was five archers and one person I didn't think I'd ever see again.

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