05. primadonna girl

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Song of the chapter is

-Zoya Afreen-

-05--Zoya Afreen--Present-

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Salazar's Shoppe, Pune
7 November, 2030
6:45 pm

"What do you mean the site's crashing, Morris?"

My voice came out all throaty and hysterical, but it didn't bother me one bit.

"There has been an overload in the server, I guess." My assistant answered nervously from the other end as I clutched a few strands of my hair.

"Well your guessing isn't useful, Morris. I need you to work through the problem and fix it, damnit!" I slammed my fist on the pecan mahogany table in front of me.

"Ma'am, we're trying-"

"Try harder! I need this website fixed in the next five minutes or else there'll be a huge problem!" I intervened, shouting at the top of my voice, earning a few looks from the people on the other side of the glass partition that seperated my office from the rest of the work station.

I passed them a reassuring look, and turned to the other side. "Morris, we need to get these ads out by 7:00pm and it's currently 6:45pm! Do you want to get us both fired by Anaita?"

"No ma'am, of course not-"

"Well then chop chop! Get to work and get this fucking website fixed within the next ten minutes!"

I didn't wait for a response before cutting the call. Morris was used to working under the corporate pressure. I knew he could handle it.

Not saying that it didn't take a toll on his mental health.

But when you're slaves to capitalism, your mental health is probably gonna be the last bit of your priority.

I paced around the office with my coffee in my hand, waiting for him to call me back with a positive response when suddenly my phone kept on table dinged with a new notification.

I grabbed it immediately, expecting a thumbs up emoji from Morris but instead, I was met with a new email.

The moment I clicked on the notification, my heart instantly paused.

Three words ; Delmore High School ; washed in front of my eyes, making it harder for me to think clearly.

My eyes darted over the subject matter under those words.

Delmore High cordially invites the graduating class of 2020 till this day to their ten year reunion at the school on the 14th of November, 2030. All alumnis are requested to be present.

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