36. afterthought

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Song of the chapter is
Worst Of You by Maisie Peters

-Saina Bahl-

-35--Saina Bahl--Present-

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Malhotra Mansion
26 November, 2030
12:30 pm

As we sat in that empty red room, flashes of that night appeared in front of my eyes again.

I instinctively shut them.

The hospital had decided to discharge me after two days of supervision because they believed that I would recover quick if I was in the care of my loving husband, who hadn't left my side for a single minute.

If only they knew the truth.

When Zoya had asked me about the incident, I had half contemplated telling her the truth. I knew that she knew it anyway, but still, saying it loud might've been relieving.

But I didn't.

I didn't utter a word.

And the reason behind that was still unknown to me.

It wasn't like this was the first time he had tried to hurt me. There had been countless instances when he had left one or two bruises on my body. But I had never thought much of it.

He did it in a spur of the moment.

He wasn't thinking straight.

He didn't mean it.

I convinced myself. Continuosly.

But then that night, it wasn't just some bruise or an in the spur moment. He was actively trying to hurt me. He had his fingers wrapped around my neck, choking every single bit of air left in my lungs like it was nothing.

Like I was nothing.

In the past two days, I had spent most of my time out of my senses due to the intense medication given by the doctors to help with the pain. But how was I supposed to relieve the pain that had been hammered shut inside the cages of my heart?

How was I supposed to go on?

How does one go on, when the worst thing in the world has happened to them?

How does one live?

I reached for the ointment kept on the nightstand and squeezed some onto my finger and dabbed it against the bruise that he had left most recently. It burned slightly, making me wince.

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