45. seashells

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Song of the chapter is
Coyotes by Wild Belle

-Siya Malhotra-

-45--Siya Malhotra--Present-

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Malhotra Mansion
2 December, 2030
3:10 pm

As I stood in my cozy kitchen, a mix of nervous excitement and contentment filling her heart. The aroma of spices and freshly chopped vegetables filled the air, adding a touch of warmth to the atmosphere. I glanced around the room, taking in the sight of my friends gathered at the dining table, eagerly awaiting the meal I was preparing.

It had been a few hours since Kartik and I had mustered the courage to unveil our biggest secret to our closest friends. The weight of that secret had been a heavy burden on my shoulders for far too long. The fear of rejection and judgment had consumed my thoughts, but now as I looked at my friends, I felt a renewed sense of hope.


The clinking of utensils and the soft hum of conversation echoed through the room, filling my heart with warmth. I had expected shock or confusion when I had revealed my secret, but my friends had surprised me with their unwavering support.

I moved around the kitchen, the familiar motions of household chores and dinner preparation bringing a sense of normalcy to this hectic day. The rhythm of the knife slicing through vegetables, the sizzling sound of spices hitting the pan-it all helped me find solace in the midst of chaos.

Lost in my thoughts, I opened the refrigerator door to retrieve some ingredients. As I reached for a jar, my eyes caught a glint of metal on one of the fridge magnets.

I squinted my eyes. Had I imagined it?

A peculiar sensation prickled at the back of my mind. With curiosity piqued, I gingerly pulled the magnet and turned it around.

And as I did, a tiny green light blinked back at me from the back. With furrowed brows, I grazed my fingers over the light when suddenly realisation struck, and my heart skipped several beats.

It wasn't just an innocent seashell magnet.

It was a recording device.

I gasped, hands trembling as I moved back in shock. Panic surged through my veins as the implications hit me like a tidal wave.

Why was there a hidden bug in my kitchen?

We were compromised, from the very beginning.

My thoughts raced, my mind spiraling into a frenzy of fear. I felt sick and violated.

Gathering my resolve, I swiftly detached the recording device from the magnet, my trembling hands betraying the mixture of emotions that coursed through me. I had to act fast. I had to tell the others.

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