48. bitter

120 22 39

Song of the chapter is
Still Wild by La Mar

-Himanshu Arora-

-48--Himanshu Arora--Present-

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Delmore Local Area
6 December, 2030
5:00 pm

As my eyes remained glued to the decapitated corpse of Saina's husband casually strewn across the yellow cadaver bag, bile threatened to rise up my throat.

For a moment, I almost felt like I was going to faint.

If the scene had disturbed me so much, I only wondered how much it would've traumatized Saina....to watch it happen in real time.

The adrenaline pumping through my veins had simmered down into dread- my stomach lurched. I tore my gaze away from the cadaver bag and onto the paramedic who was now talking to Saina and Siya. Saina had a safety blanket wrapped around her as she sat there, unresponsive and shaking.

My heart broke for her.

"Himanshu?" Zoya's voice echoed beside me, breaking my trance. I looked to the side and found her standing along with Ronnie.

"Are you guys okay?" I inquired.

"Yeah," Zoya began and exchanged a look with Ronnie. "Now."

"What do you mean?" I voiced my confusion.

Zoya sighed and looked back at me. "We were attacked too."


"Relax. We're fine." Ronnie immediately added, to calm me down. I looked at her with bewilderment.

"What do you mean you were attacked?" I asked. "Was it the same guy who did that to Gautam?"

"No, it wasn't." Zoya said, massaging her neck. "It was some other asshole. Saina's husband was attacked at the same time we were."

"So there's no chance that it was the same person." Ronnie completed.

"Wait..." I realised with horror. "So that means...."

"There's more than one killer."


Once the weight of my dreaded realisation had subsided, I had decided to inform the rest about the same. But Zoya had then insisted that Saina wasn't exactly in the right place to hear  such a news and thus, it was mutually agreed that we would tell the rest of the gang later.

As Zoya made her way towards the ambulance where Saina and Siya were seated, leaving Ronnie and me by ourselves, I finally noticed the gush of blood on her forehead.

"Ronnie..." I began, my worry evident in my voice. She looked up at me. "Hm?"

"You're bleeding." I said as I extended my hand to touch her forehead but stopped midway.

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