author's note

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“Endings are the bittersweet punctuation marks, reminding us that every final page is just the beginning of a new adventure.”

——— Your favourite author,



It feels like it's been 84 years.

I'll try to be as concise as I possibly can because this part of the book is always difficult for me to write. First of all, I want to take this moment to process the fact that I finally finished an entire book series!

Yayyyyy me!

I would also like to thank each and everyone of you who took the burden of clicking on this book series. I can't thank you people enough. You have been my entire reason to keep on going, even when life seemed the bleakest. Like I always say, it takes a joint effort to write a book. The Secrets Series is as much mine as it is yours!

Thank you for existing.

I would miss keeping you on your toes with never ending cliffhangers and the mind-numbing angst between the characters you love! What I would also definitely miss is coming up with those little threatening messages at the end of each chapter that were enough to scare the sleep away from your eyes!

Hehe, just kidding-


To Himanshu, Veronica, Siya, Kartik, Zoya and Saina ——— thank you for being the best book characters. I love them all so much that it feels utterly cathartic to say goodbye to these characters.

And lastly, a big thank you to my 19 year old self who came up with the idea of the sequel despite knowing how hard it would be to match the stakes of the first book. She was scared yet fearless and I love that she never gave up on the dream that she had embarked upon this journey with. Thank you for never losing track of yourselves and even when you did slightly waver, for finding your way back to this book.

I have many many tales in mind that I'm desperate to tell you and I hope you'll find it in you to lend an ear.

Till then, make sure you keep your secrets close ;)

See you around!



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