16. nowhere to run

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Song of the chapter is Body and Mind by Girl In Red

-Siya Malhotra-

-16--Siya Malhotra--Present-

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Delmore Police Station
14 November, 2030
10:45 pm

After a rigorous amount of interrogation, Kartik finally came out of the interrogation room, looking dejected as ever. All of us stood up as he walked towards us.

"Babe, are you okay?" I held his hand as he came and stood in front of us.

But before he could answer, Detective Ravi came out of the interrogation room and called, "Mr. Malhotra, please bring yourself and the rest of your friends to my office."

Saying that, he walked to the right and entered a room through a wooden door. We all exchanged a glance before making our way to the office.

We entered and I and Saina sat on the two chairs that were placed across from the big leather chair on which Detective Ravi was seated, while the rest stood in a semi-circle behind us.

"Detective, what's going on?" Saina asked.

"Yeah, why did you interrogate my husband for so long? He hasn't done anything wrong." I asserted. Kartik softly put his hand on my shoulder, as a way to calm me down.

"Mrs. Malhotra, I assure you....that I'm trying my best to make sure your husband is free from all suspicion." Detective Ravi placed, narrowing his brows slightly. "However, the amount of evidence that has been found in the trunk of his car makes him a prime suspect in this case."

"What? What evidence?" I asked.

Detective Ravi moved back and extracted a bunch of pictures from his desk and placed them on the table for us to see. As I scanned my eyes on them, my breath hitched in my throat.

The pictures were of Kartik's car. In the back of the trunk, there were several photographs of the band, with blood smeared in each of them. Some even had crosses drawn across them with the same blood. And there was also a four cellphones placed conveniently over the pictures.

"The cellphone of the band members were found in your husband's car, along with all the other....stuff."

"But....but...he didn't do it. He was with us the whole time!" I explained in vain. I looked at the others frantically. "Right, guys?"

"Yes, Detective. Kartik was with us the entire time. There is no way he was involved in any of this." Veronica spoke.

I nodded, looking back at Detective Ravi.

"I know, Ms. D'Rosario." He uttered. "That's part of the problem."

My brows knitted.


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