17. mad world

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Song of the chapter is Mad World by The Riverdale Cast

-Zoya Afreen-

-17--Zoya Afreen--Present-

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Delmore Inn
15 October, 2030
9:09 am

Today's morning had casted a shadow of glumness and fear in the small coastal town of Delmore, Goa.

The streets were flogged with people demanding answers, reporters trying to pimp every ounce of reaction they could get from the enraged crowds, and ofcourse, cops cladded in their crisped blue uniform trying to catch what they thought was just a random killer.

But only the six of us knew the truth.

After the entire fiasco had taken place in the parking lot of the diner, all of us (minus Veronica) had come back to an almost empty hotel, with only a few hotel staff and lodgers left.

The reason? Nobody wanted to stay where the angels of death resided.

In a matter of 12 hours, we had gone from being invisible to being the talk of the town. Whispers on the streets and the beginning of a raging wildfire of rumours were enough indicators of that.

The media had also not left a single chance to press on the subject of the six of us and how the current murders resonated with the original Delmore murders. They were not pointing fingers. They were straight up denigrating us.

Currently, Saina and I were seated at the lounge area of the Inn, after our morning breakfast. It was not like we had anything better to do, plus since the whole town was on our asses, we couldn't really go out without facing the sneering glances and the outlandish questions.

Kartik and Siya had hibernated in their room since last night and hadn't come out since. I knew that after whatever happened last night, Siya needed some much needed alone time to cool off and Kartik was probably busy trying to do the same.

Settling my glance at the tv that was kept in the lounge, I munched on the last bits of the sandwich on my plate.

A news report suddenly flashed on the screen.

" Four men in their twenties found murdered at local high school on the same day as the survivors of the original Delmore murders were back in town. Delmore Police is yet to announce any details or specifics of the case, yet most spectators are speculating that the current murders might have an affinity with the original Delmore murders.

All citizens of town are requested to stay vigilant and alert. "

"Great." I muttered under my breath, as the reporter finished reciting the words. "Now they are painting us as the villains. As if we don't already have enough on our plate."

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