66. a mole amongst us

143 22 38

Song of the chapter is Ashes by Stellar


-Kartik Malhotra-

-Kartik Malhotra--Present-

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St. Maud Theatre
22 December, 2030
2:20 am

"Isn't this just perfect?"

Zoya's fake chirpiness wasn't enough to soothe the tension that Alishka's game had unraveled in that very room.

My heart raced as I scanned the dimly lit parlor, filled with faces I had known for years. Tonight, they all seemed like strangers. The air was thick with tension, and the soft murmur of conversation had turned into hushed whispers.

The tension in the room was palpable, like a heavy cloud hanging over us all. The soft, flickering light cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. The shrine had transformed into a battleground of suspicions.

Every movement, every word spoken, was weighed carefully.

The creaking of the old wooden floorboards seemed to echo like accusations in the stillness, making everyone startle at the slightest noise. The room felt like a trap, each corner concealing secrets we were desperate to uncover.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I watched the people I had trusted for years exchange wary looks. The suspicion in the air was suffocating, making it hard to breathe. It was as though an invisible barrier had formed, separating us into factions of those who were suspected and those who did the suspecting.

"Guys...." I began, doubt creeping up my mind. "What do we do?"

Himanshu's gaze flickered over to something behind me and I followed his line of sight to see what he was looking at.

And right above the stage, a digital stopwatch started counting down from 10 minutes.

"So we have ten minutes to decide which one of us is the killer's helper?" Siya asked.

"Seems so." I muttered under my breath as I heaved a sigh. The wound on my arm started throbbing like a bitch.

An uncomfortable silence prevailed for a while before Zoya turned towards the new additions to the group.

"Well it obviously has to be one of you."

"What? Who said that?" Zayn protested.

"We've known each other for years. We don't know any of you." Saina affirmed.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Dhrashti yelled. "I was Himanshu's fiance for fuck sake! He knows me."

She turned towards me and gave him the doe eyes. "Tell them, Himanshu!"

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